Christina McCree – Ring Finder/Metal Detectorist for northern Alabama and southern/middle Tennessee. Call or text ASAP, anytime 24/7 at 610-504-6135.
I received a call on Wednesday (January 29th, 2025) from Alice stating that back in October her mother-in-law, Judy, had lost her ring while standing on her front porch in Scottsboro, Alabama. Alice’s nephew had tried looking for it with a metal detector, but unfortunately, he was unable to find it. Alice had recently come across my ring finders Facebook page (The Ring Finders – Huntsville, Alabama) via Google and she thought they’d give it a shot. I told Alice that I’d be more than happy to help look for Judy’s ring. I work my normal “9-5” job during the week, but said that I could come out on the weekend. We setup a search for Saturday.
I met Judy at her home in Scottsboro at noon on Saturday, February 1st. We talked for a few minutes first, because we had both realized that my father-in-law, Lindell Sr., actually works for the company that Judy’s son, Steve, and daughter-in-law, Alice, own. Small world! I asked Judy to show me what she was doing when her ring came off. She said her dog had rolled around in the yard and had some dormant Bermuda grass on him. He was standing on the steps of her front porch, and Judy began brushing off the grass with her right hand. She then felt one of her rings fly off and heard a ping on the metal railing on the right side, but she couldn’t tell which direction her ring went. This was a very sentimental ring that was bought during a cruise to Mexico for her 40th wedding anniversary. A beautiful and irreplaceable yellow gold ring with a ruby.
I began searching with my Minelab Equinox 900 metal detector. The shrubs were very full, so it was a close quarters type of search. I did my best to swing the coil around the foliage. Then I got down on my hands and knees and began searching in and around the shrubs with my handheld pinpointer, the Garrett Pro Pointer AT. I had searched the entire right and left sides of the landscaping, plus the front of the yard. I only found various bits of small flexible metal, which was probably used in the construction of the house. The landscaping had a metal edging around the entire border. It gave off a loud tone. The border was covered up with a mondo/monkey style type grass. I knew I needed to manually search the entire boarder, because the metal could easily mask the ring.
I carefully searched through the monkey grass. I cleared the right-side border, but no ring. Next, I started searching the left side and I had gotten about part way down when I finally saw it… that yellow gold beaming back at me! I was so happy and relieved that the mystery was finally solved! It took an hour and 45 minutes, but Ms. Judy’s gorgeous red ruby ring was found! I got in a couple of quick photos and rang the doorbell. I told Judy that it was a tough search, but… we got it! I opened up my fist to show her the ring. She was so excited and gave me a big hug! We both thanked God for answering our prayers.
I’m truly blessed that I get to go on all these fun adventures and meet such wonderful people. Until the next one…please take care and God bless!
*****PHOTO UPDATE*****
I received this photo on Tuesday afternoon (February 4th) of Judy and her son, Steve.
Russ’s white gold custom-made filigree style wedding band that ring finder Brian Rudolph recovered out in the grass!
Russ and his wife Alene celebrating the return of Russ’s very special and irreplaceable keepsake – his white gold wedding band of four years!
Brian Rudolph, Lost Item Recovery Specialist (Land, Water, Sand, Snow, Leaves, Cliffs, Houses & Vehicles) Will Find Your Lost Keepsake! Call ASAP (301) 466-8644!
Russ lost his white gold custom-made filigree style wedding band that he wore on his finger for 4 years since the time he got married. The ring matched his wife’s band. He wasn’t sure where he lost it but it did come off of his finger somewhere in the house or possibly flew off his hand out on his deck while feeding the birds.
Russ was very upset about losing his beloved keepsake. He looked online and found the elite international directory of metal detectorists called THE RING FINDERS. That’s when he gave me a call and I assured the gentleman that I would do everything I could to recover his lost property.
Because there was too much to look through in Russ’s Ashburn, Virginia townhouse, my client and I felt that the only areas that I could search would be the second floor back deck and the lawn below. We eliminated Russ’s truck and front lawn from being possible suspected areas.
The next morning after being contacted, I headed to Russ’s property and he took me on a tour of the deck (showing me where he threw old Chex cereal for the birds) and out on his lawn. After scanning the deck just to see if the ring may have fallen somewhere on the wood flooring, I then turned on my detector and started searching the lawn below.
Within a few minutes, I successfully detected Russ’s extremely handsome custom-made filigree style 14 karat white gold wedding band! It was hidden in the grass approximately 25 feet away from the house. Russ could not have been more excited and his wife Alene was certainly relieved as well!
Russ was extremely happy that he contacted a professional metal detectorist on THE RING FINDERS website! Having his ring back on his finger meant the world to the couple and they were tremendously grateful for my work. Russ and I thanked the Lord following the recovery of the band. We gave God the glory for helping me to be able to help my new found friends, Russ and Alene!
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Taine’s 9 Karat Gold, 925 Sterling Silver Family Heirloom Ring
Taine’s Family Heirloom Ring Ascends Above the Ocean City Sand Once Again!
An Elated New Zealander Celebrates the Return of His Missing Ring!
I received a voicemail message from a young lady named Emily, whose boyfriend lost his gold and silver family heirloom ring on the beach in Ocean City, Maryland. The young man’s name was Taine and he was visiting the United States from New Zealand. The two of them met online while playing a particular video game from across the world. They eventually fell in love with each other from afar and scheduled Taine’s first visit to the U.S. to meet his newfound girlfriend for the very first time in person. Unfortunately, Taine’s inaugural visit to a North American beach ended up being a bit more stressful than fun when his very special ring went missing in the sand.
When I called Emily back to discuss what happened to her boyfriend’s ring, I assumed that she and her boyfriend had searched online to find a metal detectorist who could help Taine recover his lost ring. It turned out that neither one of them had found my contact information on the internet. Instead, it was actually Taine’s father down in New Zealand who had coincidentally learned about The Ring Finders directory a week before his son’s ring disappeared on the beach of Ocean City, Maryland. I learned of this when Taine’s father contacted me from New Zealand. And just like Emily’s call to me, he desperately requested my help to recover the ring that had been passed down from his own father to him, and then he passed it down again to his son Taine.
Taine’s father ironically was listening to a podcast in New Zealand and the subject matter that was being discussed was all about The Ring Finders directory and its creator, Chris Turner. The guest that was being interviewed on the podcast shared that he had been extremely skeptical about this directory of metal detectorists who were passionate about finding people’s lost items. It wasn’t until this skeptic from England lost one of his own precious rings off the coast of Great Britain that he ended up becoming a true supporter of the directory. It turned out that he contacted one of The Ring Finder’s members in his area and the detectorist ended up successfully recovering the gentleman’s ring! This caused him to share his happy experience and much praise for Chris Turner and his wonderful Ring Finders directory! He said that without this particular ring finder, he was confident that he would have never seen his prized band ever again!
When Taine lost his ring earlier that afternoon, he called his father in New Zealand to share the disappointment that he had lost his family’s heirloom. It was at that moment that his father gave his son the perfect solution to his discouraging problem. Because of his knowledge about The Ring Finders from listening to the podcast a week earlier, Taine’s dad went to the directory’s website and searched for a ring finder in Ocean City, Maryland. My profile popped up on his computer screen and immediately Taine’s father contacted me, as well as his son in order to give my information to Emily, who in turn would call me to plan a search for the missing ring. The entire situation turned out brilliantly, all because of Taine’s dad coincidentally listening to that online broadcast (all the way around the world in New Zealand!) regarding men and women who are specialized in recovering rings for people just like Taine!
When Emily and I finally touched base that evening, she shared with me all of the details about the disappearance of her boyfriend’s ring. Emily, her father and boyfriend Taine were all hanging out on the beach for the day. When it was time to pack their things up and head back to the hotel, Taine brushed off the sand from his bathing suit that he was wearing and did the same with his pants that he wore over his trunks. Once they finished gathering up all of their things, they began to walk back towards the hotel which was directly off of the beach. It was at that moment when Taine realized that his ring was not on his finger. He knew that he had it on when he was hanging out on the sand, but somehow it had slipped off his finger and went missing. The three of them returned to the spot where they were all hanging out for the afternoon and they searched valiantly for Taine’s special heirloom. It was quite upsetting to him that he had lost his father and grandfather’s ring, and at some point he thought that he would never be able to get this special keepsake back on his finger ever again. In a matter of hours, the sand sweepers would come through that section of the beach and clean up any garbage and small items left on the sand. It was quite possible that Taine’s ring would get caught up in the machine, as well. Or at the least, it could have been pushed many yards away from the spot where he was laying out that day, and as a result, there would be no way of knowing where the ring ended up in case he wanted to metal detect the beach. It was not a good situation. They searched hard for the band, but unfortunately, all of their efforts led to no avail. The gold and silver ring could not be recovered. That was about the time when Taine called his dad and let him know the bad news.
I couldn’t have been more excited to help Emily’s boyfriend recover his missing ring. I was just as excited to bless Taine’s father with a successful recovery attempt, knowing that he reached out to me all the way from New Zealand for his son’s sake! It was pretty cool! This type of story illustrates just how powerful The Ring Finders directory is and how important our members are for people like Taine and his family!
It was late in the day and by the time Emily and I finished our talk on the phone, I was able to commit to arriving in Ocean City some time very late in the evening, possibly after midnight. There were some powerful storm systems that were blowing through the Maryland area, and the Eastern shore was getting hit the hardest. It would possibly take me a couple of extra hours to finally arrive at the beach, so I told Emily to anticipate a very late arrival. The three of them would be leaving the East Coast sometime later that morning, so it was imperative that we met that night. I believe that Taine would be leaving for New Zealand sometime the next day, as well. The couple expressed their great appreciation for how I was able to work them into my schedule and to meet up with Emily, her father and Taine later that night.
As I predicted, the weather was a great obstacle in my ability to arrive on time. Later that evening, there were very strong winds that reached 40 miles per hour in some spots along the way and the rain came down in buckets, making visibility almost impossible for me to drive at various times throughout the night. I wasn’t stressed out about it, as I took my time in getting to Ocean City. It was more important that I remained safe than to fall under the pressure of any time restraints. Sometime around 1 a.m., I arrived in Ocean City and drove to the street where Taine, Emily and her father were waiting for me. They remained in the hotel room until I called them to let them know that I had parked and that I was getting my metal detecting equipment out of the car. In a matter of minutes, I saw the three of them standing close to the entrance to the beach. The wind was still very strong and the rain fell heavily at periodic moments, but that did not deter any of them from waiting outside in the extreme weather conditions that night. I literally had to push myself against the wind and rain to reach the sand where the three of them had been waiting for me.
We quickly introduced ourselves and then I followed them out towards the ocean where they had all been hanging out during the first half of the day. Emily’s father knew the exact location of where they laid their beach towels down because when Taine had realized that his ring was gone, he was diligent to take note of what landmarks lined up with where they were that afternoon. The trio had set-up their things just a few feet away from the top of the slope and they also remembered where they actually sat because there was a particular sign in the sand that was directly in line with where all of them hung out. Having these landmarks made it much easier for me to effectively search the beach for the ring.
With my headlamp on and my metal detector ready to go, I asked Taine where he remembered standing when he brushed the sand off of his clothes. Though we didn’t know for sure if that was the time period when he lost his ring, it was the most likely of moments because he remembered having his ring on when he came out of the water. Pointing with his hand, he showed me the exact area where he picked up his pants. Next, I explained to them my methods in searching the sand for lost rings and then I began to swing my detector over the area where Taine had pointed to a moment earlier.
A Special Family Keepsake Found by Ring Finder, Brian Rudolph! Call Brian to Help You Recover Your Lost Property at (301) 466-8644!
Had I not had my headphones on, it would have been impossible to hear any of the tones coming from the detector because of how intense the wind was blowing. I was looking for a gold and sterling silver ring, so I set the detector to search both types of metal that I was searching for. Within a minute (if not less than), I hit the exact target signal that I was looking for. It was a hot signal and it was definitely in the range of a sterling silver band. I then quickly dropped to my knees on the sand and used my handheld detector to pinpoint the exact location of the target. Next, I pushed my Xtreme brand scoop into the sand, far enough down that I believed that I would capture the object in the cage and then brought it up for me to take a look inside. I sifted the remaining sand out of the scoop and as I looked towards the bottom, I immediately concluded that the search which had just begun had already come to its conclusion! I saw it in the cage! There it was! I found Taine’s handsome sterling silver and gold accented men’s ring! I was able to recover his family heirloom from the Maryland beach and he would be able to return back to his country wearing that very special keepsake! The three of them were pleasantly surprised at how fast I was able to recover the ring, especially after all of the hours that they had spent looking for it late in the afternoon when they first realized that it was gone from Taine’s finger! I was so happy for them, and frankly I was quite happy for myself because the weather conditions outside were not pleasant to work in at all!
Smiles are Evident Again Following the Successful Recovery of Taine’s Ring by Brian Rudolph
I could tell that Emily’s father was very pleased with my performance in being able to return this very special ring to his daughter’s boyfriend! Taine gave me a huge hug and profusely thanked me for rescuing this important object from the sand! Emily was just as grateful! It was a special feeling, knowing that I was able to recover a ring that would be going back on Taine’s finger as he returned to New Zealand later that day! He would be going all the way around the world, back to his country, and I had something to do with being able to keep that ring on his finger and help preserve the sentimentality of its history in Taine’s family line! What a thrill!
The four of us stayed out on the sand long enough to take some pictures and then we quickly moved away from the ocean’s roar and the intensity of the wind out by the surf. Before I exited the sand, I looked back out onto the water and I saw the enormous waves pushing its agenda farther and farther up onto the shore. I was quite pleased that I was able to rescue the ring from the hands of the Atlantic Ocean which might have carried that special keepsake out to sea, never to be found again.
Being a part of The Ring Finders directory allows metal detectorists to meet some extraordinary people and others who are connected with extraordinary individuals. While talking a bit with Taine on the beach before we all walked towards the side street adjacent to their hotel, I learned that his uncle (who also lives in New Zealand), was responsible for creating many of the movie sets for The Lord of the Rings movies! Some of those original structures still remain standing in New Zealand today and are huge tourist attractions for people to enjoy checking out! I thought that was quite intriguing!
When we got back to the street, Emily’s father shook my hand and thanked me for recovering Taine’s ring and for taking all of the time to travel to the beach to help find the young man’s ring. Emily was also quite grateful that I could recover the band to her boyfriend before Taine had to leave the country and return home. It was a great moment for all of us to celebrate and rejoice that the intensity of their day was finally over! Next, we said our warm goodbyes to one another, and with smiles on our faces we all headed off into separate directions, quite satisfied with how everything had turned out!
In the days following the ring recovery, I had the pleasure of talking with Taine’s father who called me from New Zealand just to thank me for my successful efforts in finding his son’s ring. He was beyond delighted to hear that I was able to recover the heirloom so quickly and that I was able to return it to Taine before he headed back to New Zealand. We talked a little bit more about the podcast that he had been listening to which gave him the idea to tell his son and girlfriend to contact me directly. Taine’s father said that when he was listening to the podcast, he was quite impressed with what he heard from the testimony of the man who got his ring back. However, now that one of his own was able to witness a Ring Finder search for his son’s lost possession, Taine’s father was even more impressed as a result of what I was able to return to his son on that windy and rainy night on the beach in Ocean City, Maryland!
« So grateful to Brian for being such a good sport. He drove all the way out to Ocean City in the pouring rain and had nothing but a positive attitude the whole time. He found my ring in no time at all, took a couple photos, had a quick chat and was on his way. A (hopefully) once in a lifetime experience with an amazing guy. Thanks again Brian! It means the world to me! »
– Taine of New Zealand
« Thank you so much Brian! I’ll definitely be recommending you to anyone who needs their ring found! We really do appreciate everything you did for us! »
– Emily of Baltimore, Maryland
If you would like to watch the SEARCH VIDEO and RING REVEAL pertaining to this story, the YOUTUBE link will be provided shortly. To receive the notification letting you know when the video is uploaded to YOUTUBE, feel free to SUBSCRIBE to BRIAN’S YOUTUBE CHANNEL by typing: THE RING RETURNER.
Abdul’s Palladium Ring Recovered from a Baseball Field! Call Brian Rudolph at (301) 466-8644 to Help You Get Back What Has Been Lost!
Happiness Shines All Over Abdul’s Face Now That His Wedding Band is Safely Back on His Finger!
I received an email from a woman who desperately wanted to find her husband’s missing palladium wedding band which was lost on a baseball field the day before. Abdul’s wife went online to research possible methods in recovering lost rings on sport fields. The Ring Finders directory popped up on her phone and she began to search for a local metal detectorist in the Gaithersburg, Maryland area. My name came up on her Google search and she quickly reached out to me.
As soon as I read the email description of how Abdul’s wedding band disappeared off of his finger while playing baseball, I quickly called the couple to ask questions and to set up a time when I could go out looking for the ring. Abdul told me that he was playing various positions during a baseball game at Gaithersburg High School in Gaithersburg, Maryland. He didn’t know when the ring slipped off of his finger but he did recognize that it was missing before he left the field that day. After the game, he searched everywhere and yet he still couldn’t find it anywhere. That’s when other players got involved and looked in every position where Abdul was playing the game, but they too came up empty-handed. He eventually had to leave the baseball diamond that afternoon knowing that the very ring that was presented to him by his beloved wife on their wedding day would be left behind somewhere on the baseball field. He told me on the phone that it was quite a disheartening feeling to wonder whether he would ever be able to get the ring back or not. Because there was another team that was supposed to play after his group completed their game, he worried that the ring might have already been found by someone else.
During the entire time on the phone, I tried to give some hope to the couple that if the ring was still out there on the field, I would be able to find it and return it to Abdul. It just so happened that he got sick overnight and so he was not in any position to go out and meet me on the baseball diamond to recount where he was positioned during the game when he lost the ring. Instead, he sent me a diagram of the baseball field and where he was positioned at different times, including the areas where he practiced and warmed up before playing the game. This was extremely helpful and it would provide just what I needed to search the various places where he stood and played ball. Before we got off the phone, I told Abdul and his wife that I would update them as soon as I finished with my search later that evening.
By the time I got to the search site at Gaithersburg High School, the sun was descending behind the trees that encased the baseball field where I would be conducting my search. I gathered all of my gear out of the car and walked to the field that Abdul so perfectly diagrammed earlier that morning. There was no game going on that evening, so I had the baseball diamond to myself, including the outfield.
The first thing I did was say a prayer and I asked the Lord for help during the search. I then started metal detecting over by the batting cage which Abdul also illustrated for me. There were a lot of potential signals, but every time I checked the ground in that area, there was no ring to be found. Bottle caps and aluminum can pull tabs were scattered all over the place. This made my search a little bit slower than anticipated.
As soon as I completed my search around the cage area, I headed over to the baseball diamond. Because Abdul played various positions, I needed to first check all of the hotspots. If I didn’t find the ring in those places, I would start doing a grid search over the entire field. I metal detected around all of the bases and to the left and right of the baselines by several feet. I wanted to see if the ring may have come off while he was running the bases or in the process of getting tagged out.
Once I completed my detecting in those places, I was convinced that the wedding band was not lost in those locations. Then, I went into the outfield and began to grid search beyond first, second and third bases. Still there was nothing to be found. By that time I may have completed about an hour and a half of detecting. I was certain that the ring was not in the outfield unless somebody had found the ring just by chance when looking down at the ground. The odds of that were very slim because the field was completely covered with thick, healthy grass. Most likely the wedding band would have settled between the “blades of green” and would not have been seen by anybody.
My next search area focused on the grassy area behind the backstop. I also metal detected both dugouts and still came up with nothing. Abdul had walked behind the dugouts and took a couple breaks by walking closer to the tree line, so I checked those areas behind the backstop, as well. My last area to check without having to re-grid the entire field, was to metal detect all of the area inside the baseball diamond. Most of the grass within the parameter of all of the bases was very dry and much of it was dead. There were also a lot of spaces that were simply dirt spots with absolutely no vegetation. I presumed that if the ring was initially lost in the dirt-filled areas in the diamond section of the field, it would have most likely been picked up by someone between the time of Abdul’s game and the other games that followed after his team left for the day. The reason for this was because there were so few places for the ring to hide. There were also summer programs going on earlier in the day, which could have caused a young one to eyeball the handsome palladium band and walk off with it. I was hoping that this was not the case and that it was still out there, waiting to be found. I put my doubts aside and focused on eliminating all possibilities as to where that ring could have ended up.
Abdul’s Ring Found At Last! The Wedding Band Resting Amongst the Dead Grass and Weeds on the Baseball Diamond!
Starting at home plate, I moved my way to third base and then started a grid search back towards home. I kept moving my way across the playing field for a few more passes before I stopped briefly to grab my headlamp that was in my backpack nearby. It was starting to get dark outside and I needed the field to be fully illuminated as I traveled in straight lines across the diamond.
The Ring Slipped Off of Abdul’s Finger Just 8 Feet From the Pitcher’s Plate!
I then resumed my search and continued to move across the infield, back and forth, swinging the coil of the detector with steady movements, hoping that I would get the target signal that I was looking for.
I was getting random target signals here and there, but each time that I put the pinpointer (which is a handheld detector) down to the ground to investigate the potential target, I would discover that it was a coin, pull tab or something else that was below the surface.
Finally, as I neared the pitcher’s mound, approximately 8 feet away from it, I got the perfect signal. It was a bouncy kind of target signal that indicated that the object was above the surface and it came into the range of a palladium wedding band. Just as I looked down to investigate what the detector was picking up in the midst of the dead grass, my eyes zeroed in on the very object that I had been searching for in the past two hours or so! I had found Abdul’s ring! I was so very happy! What a great feeling it was to see the one and only object that I had been hunting for! Because of the location where the band had been resting, I presumed that Abdul must have been pitching at the time when the ring slipped off his finger.
Brian Rudolph Ending Another Successful Search!
I was getting random target signals here and there, but each time that I put the pinpointer (which is a handheld detector) down to the ground to investigate the potential target, I would discover that it was a coin, pull tab or something else that was below the surface. Finally, as I neared the pitcher’s mound, approximately 8 feet away from it, I got the perfect signal. It was a bouncy kind of target signal that indicated that the object was above the surface and it came into the range of a palladium wedding band. Just as I looked down to investigate what the detector was picking up in the midst of the dead grass, my eyes zeroed in on the very object that I had been searching for in the past two hours or so! I had found Abdul’s ring! I was so very happy! What a great feeling it was to see the one and only object that I had been hunting for! Because of the location where the band had been resting, I presumed that Abdul must have been pitching at the time when the ring slipped off his finger.
The other possibility was that he had been taking off his glove while switching sides with the opponent and it came off at that point.
Brian Checking Out the Palladium Wedding Band Up Close!
Whichever the case may have been, I was so delighted that I would soon be able to return the wedding band back to Abdul! That night I rejoiced for his sake and it made me so happy that I could find his ring after no one else on his team could recover it! I also thanked the Lord for giving me the ability to search and recover what Abdul and his wife hoped to get back in their possession! I couldn’t wait to share the good news with its rightful owner!
After taking some photographs and a bit more video, I packed up my gear and left the baseball field with a big smile on my face!
If you would like to view the search video and the ring reveal, please avail yourself to subscribe to my YouTube channel and I will notify you when the video is uploaded in the next few months.
Abdul and Brian Celebrating the Ring Returned to it’s Owner!
There’s nothing like it in the world to be able to return something that means so much to someone else! My gratitude goes out to Chris Turner, CEO of The Ring Findersand for his marvelous vision to save the sentimental from extinction by providing a directory of metal detectorists that connects people like me to people in need like Abdul!
If you would like to watch the SEARCH VIDEO and RING REVEAL pertaining to this story, the YOUTUBE link will be provided shortly. To receive the notification letting you know when the video is uploaded to YOUTUBE, feel free to SUBSCRIBE to BRIAN’S YOUTUBE CHANNEL by typing: THE RING RETURNER.
Emily’s 14 Karat White Gold Engagement Ring with Opal Stone and Diamonds
Emily’s 14 Karat White Gold Nesting Band with Diamonds
After a Week at the Bottom of Frederick Maryand’s Monocacy River, Emily’s Beloved Engagement Ring Set was Found and Returned to the Bride-To-Be by Metal Detectorist and Ring Finder, Brian Rudolph!
Emily and Mark Excitedly Show Off the Bride-To-Be’s Beloved Engagement Ring Set That Was Thought to Be Lost in the Monocacy River Forever!
Emily and Mark got together with a bunch of their friends and headed off to a fun swimming hole near Frederick, Maryland on the Monocacy River, located not far from Monocacy National Battlefield. It was a hot summer day outside, perfect for couples to hang out, take a plunge in the river and make a fun-filled day outside. Unfortunately, their plans started to fall apart quite quickly when Emily’s two rings went missing some time while they were all out by the water. She was pretty convinced that she lost the rings during the 30 minutes of play time in the river with her fiancé. Mark was holding her up while she was lying in his arms in the river, and she believed it was probably at that point when the rings slipped off her finger. Emily didn’t feel the jewelry come off of her finger, but she believed that it was the most probable scenario that the water had something to do with how the rings fell off of her finger.
In Emily’s moment of panic, as she came out of the water, the young lady told the rest of the group what had happened. Immediately a search began to look for the rings out on the riverbank and in the shallow parts of the water where they could see all the way to the bottom. One of the rings that went missing was Emily’s engagement ring. It was made of 14 karat white gold, centered with a lovely opal stone and accompanied by several diamonds surrounding it. The other ring was part of the engagement ring set, a 14 karat white gold nesting band, very petite in size which held three small diamonds along the top of the ring. The sad part of the whole ordeal was that Emily had just received these precious keepsakes on the day that she was proposed to only a month or so earlier (Her wedding date is scheduled for September 2020!).
The fact that the bride-to-be lost both of her rings was very difficult for her to deal with and you can imagine how upset she was for the rest of that day (and for the next week, as well). Everyone kept searching in the water to see if they could spot the rings, but nothing was found. As the group made their way into the deeper area of the river, there was just no way to see that far down in the water where Emily believed the rings may have come off. Besides the loss of her jewelry, the worst part of her afternoon came when she had to leave the river empty-handed.
The couple was desperate to see what they could do to get the newly engaged lady’s rings back. Emily was not about to give up hope yet, and that hope was about to be called by Mark’s future bride! They looked online to find tips on how to pull a ring from a river, and The Ring Finders directory popped up on Google. Emily immediately contacted me and before long we were talking on the phone to make plans for a recovery effort.
I put Emily at ease by telling her that I had successful recovery stories dealing with finding rings in water. Some people told her that the rings most likely had been washed down river which would make it impossible for them to ever be found again. However, I assured her that those rings did not go anywhere after they fell to the bottom of the water. She was relieved at my words.
Once I received all of the details about the missing engagement band set, I asked her additional questions to help me get the entire picture of what we were dealing with. Because she lost the rings at a state park, I told her that I would need to pursue special permissions from the park service in order for me to conduct a recovery mission. She had lost the rings on a Friday, I believe, and then she first contacted me the following day or so. Therefore, I would have to wait another 24 hours before I could contact the park service to request a permit to search the river on Emily and Mark’s behalf. When we got off the phone, we had a plan in place to begin the process of getting me in the Monocacy River as fast as possible!
Monday came and I was on the phone calling various departments connected to Maryland’s state park service. I was initially bounced around between the county of Frederick and the Maryland park service. But, eventually I was able to talk to the right people who set me up with a top administrator who could affirm that I was talking to the correct people to pursue a permit for Emily and Mark. One employee at the park service referred me to a website where I could apply for special permissions to search the water. Metal detectors are strictly prohibited at this particular park as most state parks prohibit the use of any detector. What was supposed to take possibly up to two weeks or more to “hopefully” get a permit request approved, I was able to get an official permit in hand within three days of filling out the paperwork! I was granted full access to the river! Thanks to the hard work of a couple of top administrators at the park service, they were able to push the paper and “cut the red tape” a whole lot faster than the usual process! I was quite excited with the news that I was free to search the water much sooner than later! Though I was only given a specific period of time that I could search the river and after that I would not be able to continue any futures searches, I felt I had a large enough window to get the job done (if the rings were not already plucked out of the water by other metal detectorists).
Every day leading up to when I received the approval to search the river, I kept giving updates to Emily who greatly appreciated all of my efforts. I was delighted to help the couple in every way possible! The next step was to schedule a time to meet Emily and Mark over by the park where the rings went missing the week before. I looked at my calendar and set up the next possible timeslot when I could conduct the search. I needed them to show me where everyone was hanging out on that dreadful afternoon when the rings left Emily’s finger. Then, I could search all of the probable locations where the engagement ring and nesting band fell to the bottom of the Monocacy. We agreed on meeting that Friday, which was the Friday following Mark and Emily’s excursion when the initial happy and fun afternoon suddenly turned so very sad and disappointing for the couple.
Friday arrived and I headed to the Monocacy River to meet Emily in the park where the rings went missing. Mark was not able to join us due to his work schedule. We met in the park parking lot and then Emily walked me to the spot where the group of friends were all hanging out the week earlier. It was a considerable journey through the woods alongside the riverbank before we got to the place where she lost the rings. When we got to the spot where everyone went swimming that day, we walked down onto the riverbank where there were lots of stones and pebbles – perfect for keeping my gear dry above the water.
Frederick Maryland’s Monocacy River
Emily then showed me where she played in the water and where she and Mark drifted downriver approximately 50 yards or so. She had an idea of where she thought she may have held onto some rocks as the water current was taking Mark and Emily downriver. She thought that maybe the rings slipped off when she was trying to brace herself at that time. Emily couldn’t be certain of her predictions because there were times when she was just floating in the water and the rings could have slipped off at any of those moments. In any case, I was given a very good picture of how things looked on the day that the rings disappeared and I then had all of the parameters to work with as to where the rings may have settled to the bottom of the river.
The water depth was probably around two and a half feet to three feet deep closer to the middle of the river and maybe higher in a few other spots. It was very shallow due to the fact that we had gotten so little rain in the weeks leading up to the search. Though most of my body was above the water, the current was quite swift so I did have some opposition from the speed by which the water was traveling. The terrain at the bottom of the river also made the search more complicated because of how difficult it was to move about without tripping over a rock or small boulder.
My search grid would involve a 50 yard area from left to right (down river) and 30 yards from one side of the river to the other side (though Emily and I agreed that I only needed to search 20 yards from our side of the Monocacy riverbed out towards the middle of the river because she didn’t float close to the opposite end of the riverbank). Once we finished going over all of the details, I headed back to the car to put on the rest of my wetsuit and gather all of my gear so I could soon begin the search for Emily’s missing rings!
Emily wasn’t sure if she would ever get her rings back, but I kept telling her that all things are possible if she would keep believing the positive and not doubt. I shared with her that in life, we must doubt our feelings of doubt and believe the impossible can happen. The Bible says, “Everything is possible for him who believes” (Mark 9:23). Yes, it was a large area to search. Yes, it is hard enough to metal detect that amount of space on land, let alone the degree of difficulty in searching a moving body of water like the Monocacy. Yet, I was determined to find Emily’s lost rings. And I didn’t just want to return to her the opal engagement ring, but also the other white gold band, as well! Before I headed out into the water, I prayed that the Lord would favor my search and to give Emily some hope inside to believe for the impossible! God loves the covenant of marriage, as He created it, and her engagement ring was a symbol of promise (betrothal) unto marriage! Therefore, I always know that I have favor from above when searching for lost engagement rings and wedding bands!
Emily’s Rings Lost Somewhere in the Historical Monocacy River
As Emily hung out on the shore, reading and doing some work on her tablet, I began my hunt for the missing rings. Because the items were very petite in size and made of 14 karat white gold, picking up the target signals on the detector would not be easy. Having a small, white gold object lost at the bottom of a body of water is not a good combination. The signals are light and very difficult to hit effectively, especially if you swing the metal detector coil too fast. Every step taken and every decision made out in the river had to be slow and very methodical in the way that I conducted this search.
My first grid was about 20 yards downstream, starting where Emily pointed out the first hotspot to investigate. There were rocks of various sizes covering the bottom of the river and there was nothing but stones in between the larger formations. Not only did I have to metal detect over and around and underneath all of those obstacles, but I would have to deal with many pieces of garbage that were discarded in the water over a long period of time. I found old beer can pop tops along with torn up cans, miscellaneous pieces of aluminum and much more throw-away items of trash. I would end up using two of my Equinox 800 machines with two different size coils. I used a 6 inch coil and an 11 inch coil as well. The smaller coil was helpful to get around some of the larger rocks and downed trees. The larger one was helpful to cover more territory in the river, as long as I wasn’t slowed down by metal trash that was settled close to other pieces of garbage at the bottom of the water.
I believe Emily hung out for a couple of hours before she needed to pack up her things and head on out. She kept a great attitude even though I had not yet found her rings. By the time she started walking back to the car. I told her from the water that I would be relentless in my search in finding what had been lost. Just before she took off, I asked Emily where Mark proposed to her with the rings.I wanted to get the whole story behind these precious pieces of jewelry that became extremely sentimental on the day of the proposal! Everything about the location of where Mark popped the question and how he proposed to Mark was absolutely beautiful and so fairytale like. This only propelled me even more to do whatever necessary to get these rings back on her finger! We said our goodbyes and I assured her that I would give Emily an update upon leaving the park.
If one were to observe the amount of territory that I had to search in this historical river, it would only emit stress on that person and bring lots of second-guessing to the mind based on the difficulty of finding such petite pieces of white gold at the bottom of the water. There were so many places that the bands could have ended up. There weren’t any clues to go by as to whether the rings came off at the same time, or if one came off in one location and then the other slipped off sometime later. Honestly, I loved the challenge and I was just so happy to give it my all in attempting to return these sentimental pieces back to Emily.
The main strategy that I implemented was to continue searching all of the hotspot locations where Emily may have lost the rings and focus my efforts on gridding each pass, heading downriver and then back up the river, approximately a distance of 20 feet for each pass. The width of the grid parameter was probably around 20 yards left to right.
While I was out there in the middle of the river, I couldn’t help but be so grateful for the beautiful weather that I was experiencing. It was warm outside, with no chance of rain in the forecast. To be surrounded by such amazing creations of God, there was just nothing like it! Then, add to the experience the whole idea of searching for lost items that mean so very much to another human being, it makes life so fulfilling and fun!
I had given myself a good five or six hour window to search the river that day. Afterwards, I would need to head north to Pennsylvania, near historical Gettysburg for a wedding that I was attending. I had been invited by a grateful couple that I helped in recovering the bride-to-be’s engagement ring that was lost 40 yards out in the Atlantic Ocean just two weeks before the wedding! She lost the ring on her bachelorette party weekend! I was quite honored to be a part of the festivities! It was kind of special that at one point in the day I was searching for a bride-to-be’s engagement ring set, and then later that night I would be celebrating the wedding of a bride who would be wearing the ring that I was able to return to her from the depths of the ocean! I thought that it would make an even more enchanting story if I was able to recover Emily’s rings before having to continue north towards Pennsylvania that afternoon!
Four hours passed by and I continued my detecting efforts in the water for the missing rings. Each time I covered a section of the river, I was only encouraged that I had eliminated more possibilities as to where the jewelry could have ended up. I had not lost any of my drive and enthusiasm for finding Emily’s rings. I kept swinging my detector in straight lines going up and down the river and then side to side. I was continuing to cover a distance of about 20 yards wide and search in 20 yard sections of the entire 50 yards, up and down the river.
At some point, I was finishing one of my grid passes when I hit a signal that was in the range of Emily’s lost rings. This was not the first time that day that I had gotten other potential targets to check out. In fact, I had plenty of them. In those first many hours of searching, I consistently pulled pieces of trash out of the water, but no rings had been found. This current signal was yet another one that I needed to check out. I knew the exact range of VDI numbers (these are numbers that help to identify the type of metal the target could potentially be) to look for on my machine and this piece of metal was showing the kind of target that got me curious! The numbers on my Equinox 800 detector screen were dancing around a number: four, five, seven, nine, and I believe eleven, as well. I was looking for such low numbers on the scale of my detector and I knew that the signal that I wanted was not going to pound hard in the headphones. Rather, it was going to be light and questionable. These rings were very petite, and therefore there wasn’t a lot of white gold on them at all to be detected easily. Like I did with many other potential signals that day, I reached down into the water, right over the spot where my metal detector had picked up the signal, and I surveyed the metal object with my Garrett handheld detector called a “pinpointer” in order to isolate the location where the object was resting. Once I was confident of the exact area where I knew the object was hiding, I placed the handheld detector off to the side (which was attached to a cord and clipped to my harness belt), grabbed a cluster of stones and sediment in the vicinity of where the buried object was and brought it all up to the surface for review. I have to use this type of method in rivers because it is impossible to use a scoop in this type of environment due to the quantity of stones and rocks that are stuck to the bottom of the water. Therefore, I have to use my hands to bring up the objects that I am potentially looking for. Next, I grabbed my pinpointer again and scanned over the contents that were in my hand to see if I found the metal object that I had detected moments earlier. To my great surprise, my eyes first focused in on the loveliest opal stone, then some small diamonds surrounding it came into view, and finally I saw the white gold band! Indeed, I had found the engagement ring! It was a fantastic moment! In this vast area of water, I had recovered this small precious keepsake! Like a needle in a haystack!
Though I had nobody around to share the excitement with, I expressed all of my joy and happiness into my GoPro video camera that I had been using to document the entire search up to that point! I gave thanks to the Lord for giving me the ability to find the ring and bring it up from the river where it had been resting at the bottom for over a week! I was thrilled at finding the band! Between the two rings, this one was the most important one to Emily because it was her engagement ring. Yet, I was not going to stop at that point. I would continue searching for the nesting band once I secured the recently found item in my zipped up case attached to my metal detector harness. I made sure that Emily’s opal ring was not going to be lost again in that river!
Discovering one of the sought-after pieces that went missing was such a boost of encouragement to me! My search methods that day were working effectively! So far, I had not believed that I had overlooked either target that I was after! Could I have missed the other ring due to it consisting of a thin band of white gold? It was possible. But, I kept my mindset on believing that I was thorough and accurate in my grid moves. When one is detecting in water, there are no cones or tape to keep you walking in a straight line! You have to be extremely careful not to move too far to the right or to the left, or sweep too short on either side of your body as you move forward with the detector.
Once I found the first of the two lovely rings, I was back at it again, searching for the second one, which was even thinner than the engagement ring. I had barely gotten a decent signal off of the last ring and so I was confident that this one would be even harder to recover. I believe I had another 30 minutes or so for me to try to strike gold, but at the conclusion of that search day I was unable to walk out of the river with both rings. I had no time left and it was imperative that I got on the road and start heading towards Gettysburg, Pennsylvania for the wedding that would take place later that evening.
Before I made my way out of the river, I took note of where I had found the first ring and I would resume my search the following day. How could I have not been pleased with the results so far? I was able to recover half of what I was sent out to help with and there was still more work to be done! I walked out of the water and gathered up my gear and returned back to the parking lot, packed my things in the car, changed out of my wetsuit and then headed north.
During the whole drive to the hotel, I couldn’t stop thinking about how blessed I was to recover the engagement ring! I couldn’t wait to get back in the water and search for the nesting band! In keeping my word to Emily, I called her but I had to leave a voicemail message. I was vague about my search, hoping I could surprise her the next day with the news that I had found both rings, and not just the opal engagement ring. That was my hope!
The next morning, I left the hotel and drove south to Washington D.C.. I had received an urgent call from a desperate husband who shared that the day before his wife had lost her wedding band at the National Zoo. I immediately headed to the Nation’s Capital to help the couple out. Once I completed the search in D.C., I drove back north again, which was 45 minutes in the direction towards the Monocacy River.
Upon arrival, I once again setup all of my gear along the river bank and quickly made my way over to where I had found the engagement ring the day before. I knew the location because there was a particular formation of rocks along the side of the river, and I had lined up that formation with the place that I had found the first ring in the middle of the river. I knew that if I started walking from those rocks straight out into the middle of the river, I would end up at the location where I found the first ring. Secondly, I could feel a certain rock with my dive boots that was below the surface of the water and it was near that rock that I had found the engagement ring very close to that particular formation. From that point, I counted approximately 30 feet down the river and that was where I had finished my search the day before. I was now ready to begin the second chapter of my recovery efforts
For me, I love the thrill of the challenge to find what is not easily obtainable, especially out in the middle of a river. The current was much faster than the day before, so I needed to work smart and place my feet in certain positions where I would not lose my balance from the swift movement of the water. It was another lovely day outside and once again I could not ask for better weather conditions.
My strategy of the day was to not change anything with the way I searched the day before. I kept doing my grid lines with the same method that I had implemented on Friday and I worked my way farther down the river and then back up again, pushing my way against the stubborn water flow. Then, I would move back down the river and continued to do this in straight lines. Not knowing when the two rings came off of Emily’s finger, it led me to tighten up my mental focus. I had to tell myself that finding the other ring was obtainable just as I found the first one, even though it was a lot more petite and the gold was even thinner than the band of the first ring. I had no idea what the distance was between the first ring falling off and when the second one hit the bottom of the river. However, I wasn’t going to be intimidated by how much more territory needed to be detected!
Approximately 45 minutes into my second search that day, I had searched approximately 20 square yards of river from where I found the engagement ring. Like before, I moved the metal detector slowly so that I would not miss any potential signals that I might swing across. So far, all of the targets that I pulled out of the water that afternoon were small pieces of aluminum – still no ring to be found. At some point, as I continued down the river, slightly detecting to the right side of the water, I hit a signal that was extremely light and almost unrecognizable on my detector. I moved the coil back and forth a little bit more and I was still picking up this particular target that matched white gold. From certain angles I was not getting any reading on my detector screen, so I had to move the detector coil at different positions just to see if I was getting a false reading or not. The signal still showed up and that’s when I started getting more curious. Most detectorists would have moved right across that target because it really didn’t appear to contain much of any metal to consider pulling it up. Someone else would have mistaken it as a small piece of aluminum foil. Because I knew better with white gold targets, I was not about to pass it up. I took my pinpointer and placed it down into the water right over the spot where my detector coil was resting. Then, I removed the coil from the area and immediately the pinpointer found the metal object. The target was obviously just inches from where my hand was positioned! Also, I could tell that it was a small target by the way the tip of the pinpointer was sounding off. Next, I removed the pinpointer out of the way and quickly grabbed a handful of sediment and rocks where the target was resting. Bringing my handful of stones and sand up to the surface, I immediately scanned the contents for the mysterious metal object. I believe that my first attempt came up with nothing and so I repeated the steps over again until I was certain that this time I hadn’t left the item at the bottom of the river.
I once again used my pinpointer to detect the clump of stones and sediment that was in my hand, and finally the piece of metal was detected by the pinpointer! Whatever it was, I now had it inside my grip! I knew the object was very small because it was surprisingly hidden in the midst of all of the river stones and sediment. I moved my finger through the items and it was then that I saw it! It wasn’t a scrap piece of aluminum from a drinking can, nor was it part of an old used ketchup packet or flimsy milk peel top! Not at all! It was a petite, white gold ring with a very thin band holding 3 small diamonds that were spread out along the top of the precious metal! I immediately knew that I had found the second missing ring because I recognized the details from a photo that Emily had previously provided for me! I did it! I found the nesting band that was part of the original engagement ring set! I could not have been more surprised by my findings based on how weak the target signal was! What an awesome moment!
Unless you are a ring finder like those found in The Ring Finders directory, it’s hard to describe the feeling inside when you discover the very object that you were on a mission to recover. When you find the sought-after keepsake that means so much to someone else, there’s almost a feeling of electricity that works through you! There’s such a rush within that excites all of one’s senses when the missing item is found and then returned to its owner! With search and recovery missions like this one, the degree of difficulty is so large that when one finds the lost property (like in the case of these two missing rings), there is just no greater feeling in the world! Taking on a challenge like this and being able to deliver to the distraught owner, not just one ring, but to find both rings in separate areas in the river, 20 yards apart, there are few words to accurately describe the entire experience!
Metal Detectorist, Brian Rudolph, Successfully Returned Both Rings to Emily and Mark! Call Brian Rudolph to Help You Find Your Lost Keepsakes at (301) 466-8644
I was so thrilled and overjoyed to find this second ring! I held up the nesting band and kissed it, yelling out loud, “Yes! I did it! I found it! Yes!” All kinds of words of excitement and relief flowed from within me, realizing at that moment that I was able to successfully fulfill this mission! I remember just standing there in the middle of the river, holding Emily’s ring in my hand, knowing at that point in time that there was nothing left to recover from the water! My search was over! It was extremely gratifying for me to leave the riverbank with my equipment in one hand and the recently discovered gold band that was zipped up in my harness case! I couldn’t wait to surprise Emily and her fiancé Mark with the good news! As I walked through the woods along the path leading back to the parking lot, I could see the river through the tree line, and I thought to myself, “I did it! I conquered the Monocacy!” At that moment I could only give thanks to the Lord for something as extraordinary as what had just taken place in the last 24 hours!
If you would like to see the video of me revealing the rings to Emily and Mark, please subscribe to the YouTube channel link provided below, and you will receive a notification when the video is uploaded in the next few months. It is worth waiting for! I promise!
Emily Couldn’t Have Been More Happy to Hold Her Missing Rings Once Again!
Emily and Mark were beyond excited to receive the missing rings back in their possession! My efforts to recover the special keepsakes in the Monocacy River were 100% successful and the couple was pleasantly shocked with surprise at the outcome! The look on their faces when I returned both rings will always be fixed in my mind! They were so happy and relieved at the sight of those beautiful bands that had disappeared below the water over a week earlier and located 45 minutes away from where Emily and Mark resided! Now, the engagement set was returned home for good! Emily’s finger was finally reunited with its newly found friends (the ring set), and together they now await the arrival of yet another ring this autumn…the wedding band!