#lostweddingband Tag | The Ring Finders

Christmas Morning Special Custom ‘Mokume Gane’ Wedding Band Recovery in Owen Sound, ON

  • from Brampton (Ontario, Canada)


I received a text from a fellow Ring Finder Stephane (Brighten, ON) on Christmas Eve for a lost wedding band in the snow up in Owen Sound which was a close Friends Nephew’s wedding band.

I received the particulars and was on the phone in minutes with Brandon. He and his Wife Lara where visiting Family in Owen Sound. They all went to a local park to go sledding with Lara’s Brothers Children. One of the young girls wanted to go throw snowballs. So Brandon moved over to the corner of the baseball diamond outfield and they were practicing throwing at two old pieces of wood from a tree.

I advised I would head up first thing Christmas morning as I had no plans. Brandon sent an aerial photo marked up with the areas he parked, sledded, played and where the snowball throwing took place. My gut feeling was to start at the 4th area of snowball throwing took place. He too felt that it was the likely area his wedding band fell off.

Now this isn’t just any old normal wedding band! It’s a custom created “MOKUME GANE” (mow-koo-may gone-ay) by Anne Wolf in Sam Diego, USA! (www.annevillestudio.com) ‘Mokume Gane’ is an ancient Japanese metalworking technique developed in Japan by MASTER Swordsmiths. The words ‘Mokume Gane’ translates to ‘woodgrain metal’. Each ring is crafted with its own unique individual pattern. Anne’s creations are a labour intensive process (twist, hammer, and file the billet) to create it’s own individual pattern which the form solder, carefully hand-filed, then sanding the ring to perfection. The metals used in Brandon’s created Mokume Gane WYS etched wedding band was 14k palladium white gold, 18k yellow gold along with sterling silver! What a fascinating beautifully created wedding band!

I arrived 9:17am Christmas morning and I was surprised the rain overnight melted most of the snow. I proceeded down to the area of snowball throwing. Started my grid search and 1 minuted and 20 seconds later I pulled his beautiful wedding band just under the grass. It was not visible to the eye as I definitely have hawk eyes wherever I go!

Here’s the video of the wonderful Christmas morning special wedding ring recovery and surprise!

I proceeded to deliver Brandon’s 4 month old wedding band in person to the Family’s location 10 minutes away! They said is was a wonderful Christmas gift!

Thank you so very much Brandon and Lara for the generous donation to the Kelly Shires Breast Cancer Foundation in which they’ve received a tax receipt! It’s part of my ‘pay-it-forward’ campaign as I don’t accept the reward of finding the lost item! I use my passion for metal/scuba dive detecting to raise charity donations for the Kelly Shires Breast Cancer Foundation! I’m in my 13th year volunteering alongside 80+ pink Sista’s!! My pink Family is amazing! Thank you


  • from Brampton (Ontario, Canada)

Large Family day gathering at the beach of Northwinds Beach, Georgian Bay in The Blue Mountains area of Collingwood, Ontario.

Dino was playing volleyball with his Family and extended Family in knee deep waters of Georgian Bay! Twenty minutes later Dino noticed his wedding band was missing. Eight to ten people were searching for 1 1/2 hours with no luck.

Dino’s brother-in-law remembered the group “The Ring Finders” and proceeded to get in touch with me. He sent a photo of the location along with a blurry photo of Dino’s wedding band!

I was in Wasaga Beach at the time and dropped everything to attend the emergency call-out 25 minutes away. When I arrived I went in with my cloths on as all my gear/wetsuits were wet!

After 4 grid passes in the area identified I located Dino’s stunning wedding band in 4 minutes and already 6” in down!!! We were lucky as the weight of the ring would continue to go deeper over time!

Then the surprise phone call to the brother-in-law and subsequently sent him a photo of Dino’s ring! HAPPY HAPPY!!!

The next day at work on my lunch hour I met Dino in Brampton to return his wedding band!! It’s the most incredible, massive, elegant and stunning men’s wedding band I have ever recovered and returned!! ZOOWEEMAMA!!!!

Check out the video on this wedding band return;

I was shocked with gratefulness at Dino’s extremely generous charity donation to the Kelly Shires breast Cancer Foundation. Dino received a tax receipt for his generous donation! This is part of my pay-it-forward program as I do charge a fee to go out but I do not take a reward after I find the list item!

I love using my passion for metal/scuba dive detecting to help others in need!!

THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH DINO!!! Your donation amount really shows me your appreciation for my help!! Blessings


Lost Wedding Band – Pensacola Beach – Found!!!

  • from Orange Beach (Alabama, United States)

We live in a beautiful place!  I had a long day at work and was just settling in at home when I got a call from Chris. He had been out on Pensacola Beach enjoying the Gulf while vacationing down from Ohio. Chris was packing up everything from his day with the family and as he grabbed a chair he watched his gold band go flying in the sand. He quickly learned that even after searching with several pairs of hands for a half hour, those rings are impossible to find without a really good saltwater metal detector. Luckily someone at the resort gave him my number and he called. Very rarely do I get to take my wife with me and since this was a pretty straightforward return she decided to video the entire thing.  Check out the link below. It’s my attempt at video editing 😁 and look at the huge smile on Chris’ face when he gets his wedding band in his hand. Thanks for calling Chris and congratulations.

Chris’ Ring

« Salty » Ring Recovery. Sleepy Hollow, Illinois

  • from Rockford (Illinois, United States)

I received a email last night around 8 pm from Teresa asking if I was able to search for her husband Jake’s wedding band that he lost while he was throwing salt down in their driveway. I contacted her the next morning as soon as I seen the email. I assured her that it shouldn’t be a problem and that I was willing to come take a look for it.  So immediately packed up my gear and made the 30 minute drive over to their house.  After a quick introduction and explanation of the prior days shoveling and salting, (which is how we believe the ring came off), while throwing the salt. So I grabbed my detector (Equinox 800) and pinpointer and began searching the snow piles along the edge of the driveway.  I made one trip down the driveway searching along the side of the shoveled snow pile.  Then I went on the opposite side of the pile, and about halfway back down the driveway, I got a repeatable 17-18 signal. After sticking the pinpointer into the snow I could tell that there was something in the snow pile. After moving a handful of snow I seen the glimmer of gold!!

Took about 10 minutes or less!

Happy New Year Jake & Teresa!


  • from Brampton (Ontario, Canada)

I was tagged in a Facebook post for a lost wedding band sitting at the bottom of Sand Lake in beautiful Kearney, Ontario.

I contacted Colleen Morgan. Unfortunately, her Father had passed away and a week later, Colleen’s Mother Dot was swimming in the water in front of their cottage. Dot was heartbroken when she came out of the water and noticed her late husbands wedding band had fallen off her finger!

I made arrangements and with Colleen’s help she was able to get me some spotters to assist me because she was unsure if the ring was lost in 5 feet of water or deeper! Thank goodness I took my scuba gear… As I soon found out the ring was deeper than 5 feet!

I started an underwater circular grid. A little over 20 minutes and BINGO!! Behold Mr Morgan’s wedding band was located close to the stone marker! a quick FaceTime message to Colleen with tears of joy! Even I had some on this one!

Here’s a video we put together

Colleen and her Son devised a little treasure hunt for her Mother in hospital this past weekend. PRICELESS!

I was blessed to make new Friends of Sand Lake!!

I’d like to thank Friend & Groomer RoCkStAr Mark Reynolds for the Facebook TAG!!

Also, a special thank you to Jill Howard, Heather & Dave Smith…. Sand Lake locals for meeting me and assisting with this special ring recovery! I can’t wait to see you again!!

The “Morgan Family” have gifted me with the use of their lovely cottage!! LOOK OUT SAND LAKE…. THE KELLY SHIRES BREAST CANCER FOUNDATION PINK FAMILY WILL BE NORTH to invade SAND LAKE!!!


Heirloom gold wedding band lost in water Port Carling, ON

  • from Brampton (Ontario, Canada)

Had a message come in through the ring finders site from Ellen after she had google lost ring.

Ellen & Stephen was recently married on their lovely property by the waters of Port Carling, Ontario. She had asked her Son Andrew to be the Best Man and surprised him with his late Grand Father’s wedding band. After the nuptials, Andrew decides to go for a swim to cool down but the ring had slipped off his finger to the murky bottom. Two days later he advised his Mother the devastating news. I met Ellen & Stephen two days later on the property. They had advised the ring was in 3′ to 4′ of water… it was just over 5′ up to my ears. I had the tone with my Minelab Excalibur 2 in just 5 minutes but it took another 8 minutes to scoop the ring out between sticks and boards.

This sentiMental Heirloom 10k white/14k yellow late Grandfather’s wedding band is back were it belongs…with FAMILY !! Pleasure to meet this Family and thanks to

Here is the video from this ring recovery & return!!

Another donation to the Kelly Shires Breast Cancer Foundation greatly received for my « Pay-it-forward » fundraising campaign!!





  • from Waikīkī Beach (Hawaii, United States)

On Monday January 8th I get a call from a worried yet hopeful Wife named Kate and she explains to me that her husband Ted was in the ocean at Ala Moana beach swimming around in 6 feet deep water when He lost his Damascus steel with 14K wedding ring. I advised Her to rest assure I will be on my way and to let Ted know that it will take me around 30 minutes. While I was packing up my gear and on the phone I started to gather as much information from Kate as i could so I would be able to narrow the beach search area. Once I got the info I  needed I let Kate know…Help is on the way.


Arrived to Ala Moana beach and met up with the couple. Ted marked out the place where he believes he lost it and I started the search. After a few minutes of searching the LOST ring FOUND its way back home! I asked ted  » is the ring stainless steel and White Gold?…Does it look like this? » And the moment they seen the ring I saw relief all over their faces. Ted and Kate was very thankful and the comfort of hearing OH MY GOD…YOU FOUND IT! let me know that this is MORE THAN A RING to them…ITS A COMMITMENT OF EVERLASTING LOVE and for me to be apart of reuniting their ring WAS MY PLEASURE. Another happy family and it’s always good to hear GOOD NEWS!!! « Inside Scoops-Kate&Ted ». Well Congratulations and have a wonderful time enjoying the Ohana… Time flys so enjoy every moment!!! HAWAII RING FIND

Lost Ring Pensacola Beach – FOUND!

  • from Orange Beach (Alabama, United States)

This was a neat story.  A nice lady on the beach at the Portofino Condos in Pensacola Beach stopped me and said that she wished I had been there a couple of days earlier.  I asked her why and she proceeded to explain that BOTH of her sons had lost their wedding bands in the gulf within minutes of each other just a couple of days before.  I asked her if anyone had looked for them and she said no one had with a metal detector.  I explained about Ringfinders and told her what I did and told her that even though I really wished she had called me a few days earlier, there was still a chance I could find them.  Well, long story short I was able to find her son Jacob’s but not his brother Zach’s.  I spent hours looking for Zach’s and even came back two more days to look but unfortunately I was only able to find Jacob’s.  I had to mail it back to Memphis, TN but as you can see by the picture, Jacob was thrilled when he realized it was really his ring in the mail.  Zach had some closure and appreciated me looking and has promised to call immediately if he ever loses something valuable again.  Congrats Jacob on getting your ring back!