help find lost gold earring stud detroit michigan Tag | The Ring Finders

Lost Gold Earring Stud w/Diamonds found in Eastpointe Michigan


….was not what Darriss was hoping for while visiting his mom on Mother’s Day, but after some hanging out with family, he and his sons walked out to get some gifts out of the car. Before getting to the car, they all started lightly pushing and shoving, eventually ending up with everyone on the ground rolling around on the grass. Once back in the house, someone noticed one of his earrings missing. Now it was dark and there was no way to search. We met today and I quickly started to grid search the grass area, splitting it into two halves. Finishing the right half produced nothing, so starting on the left half I was hoping that the earring would be there. Getting closer to the house I got a nice solid signal. Reaching thru the thick grass revealed his earring! A quick text to his phone saying I got his opponent pinned down on the mat had him running out of the house! Thrilled that the victory didn’t take too long, he was back on the road with his sons to celebrate the championship!
