Kristina’s Austrian 14 Karat White Gold Wedding Band Found After Three Weeks by Metal Detectorist Brian Rudolph in Burtonsville, Maryland

Kristina Showing Off Her Wedding Band After Member of THE RING FINDERS, Brian Rudolph, Recovers the Lost Sentimental Keepsake!
Brian Rudolph, Lost Item Recovery Specialist (Land, Water, Sand, Snow, Leaves, Houses & Vehicles) Will Find Your Lost Keepsake! Call ASAP (301) 466-8644!
I received a call from a young lady named Kristina who lost her wedding band three weeks earlier. She told me that she was tending to her mums that were in planters out on her rear deck of her Burtonsville, Maryland home. There was snow and ice everywhere and she didn’t want the plants to be harmed by the outside conditions. Once Kristina finished her task of removing all of the frost from her winter white friends, she started to make her way back inside her place. Just as she opened the rear French door to escape the cold, the amateur botanist brushed off some excess snow that had gathered up on her right sleeve and then all of sudden Kristina felt her Austrian made 14 karat white gold wedding ring fly off of her left hand’s ring finger! The bewildered woman also heard a “ping” that quickly sounded following the release of the sentimental piece from her finger. As she recounted the story with me, Kristina went on to share that the ring was jettisoned towards the back of her house in the direction of the lawn that was a full level below her.
Kristina and her wife Kori believed that the ring had ricocheted off of the deck’s floor or from the top of the deck railing and fell on either the white pebbles and stones or somewhere on the grass below. Immediately the hunt took place but neither one of the ladies were able to find Kristina’s band. Over the course of the next 3 weeks, the two of them invested several hours of devoted searching, using two detectors: one that belonged them and one that belonged to their neighbor. Still, the couple was unsuccessful in recovering the jewel that seemed to disappear into thin air. They were so perplexed by the situation that they wondered if perhaps an animal came along and snatched it from their yard or that maybe somebody was walking their dog out back and just happened to eyeball it, failed to report it to the couple and simply walked off with the ring. During those several weeks, it caused Kristina to really scratch her head as the “mystery of the disappearing ring” could not be solved.
At some point during the conclusion of the three week mark, Kristina went online and surfed the net for some additional help. She happened to come across a listing for THE RING FINDERS, an international directory of metal detectorists who are specialists in recovering lost items such as rings and other jewelry. That’s where I, Brian Rudolph, come into the story. The couple saw on the directory that I provided metal detecting services in Burtonsville, Maryland. I received the call from Kristina while I was at another search site and the very next day I was driving to my new client’s home.
As soon as I arrived, Kristina took me out back to see the “scene of the crime” so-to-speak. I met Kori and the two of them gave me all of the information that I needed to start the search. Because the couple owned matching rings, I metal detected Kori’s band to analyze the VDI (Visual Display Indicator) number that showed me how the machine would read Kristina’s white gold the moment that I would swing my detector over it. This was extremely helpful information to have during my search. I then returned to my vehicle, grabbed my necessary metal detecting equipment and returned to the back yard where I started the search on the second level deck.
Within minutes of scanning the rear deck (checking out each gap between the floor boards as well as all of the furniture to make sure the band didn’t end up around or between the cushions) I concluded that the precious metal did not remain on that level when it flew off of Kristina’s hand. It had to have landed below.
The next areas that I searched were the steps that led down to the ground level and a section of white rocks and stones that just cleared the deck area above. All of it appeared to be free of concealing my client’s keepsake. I didn’t need to detect underneath the deck because there was no way that the band could fit between any of the board, therefore, I could also rule out that particular spot on the property, as well. The ring had to have cleared the deck and landed somewhere along the parameter of the property that stretched farther away from the house. How far away? That question would soon be answered.
Knowing what Kristina heard immediately following the moment when she felt the loose “halo” slide off of her finger, and deducting the square footage that I had already searched, I took my investigation over to the grassy lawn just on the rear side of the property adjacent to the wooden stairway that led to the ground level. There were flagstone steps that led around the lawn over to the side of the house in the direction of where I had first entered from. That was the area that I would focus on and spread my search out from there if I still came up with nothing.
As I moved along the stretch of grass, scanning for metal with my detector in hand, I finally hit a great signal. Up to that point in time, I had little to get excited about. Yes, there were the occasional counterfeit hits on my detector screen that appeared to show similarities to Kristina’s ring, including pieces of metal that were settled on the surface and not buried below. However, they were all false alarms. Yet, this particular target that I was so intrigued about really resembled the VDI number that Kori’s band displayed on my detector screen during my earlier test. I eagerly knelt down on the ground to check out what my machine was registering on the screen, pulled out my handheld detector to help me zero-in on exactly where that piece of metal was hiding, and that’s when my face lit up with excitement! Just as I fingered my way through the blades of grass, there before my eyes, hidden below all of the brown and green plant life, I spotted the identical twin ring that I had been searching for all that time! It was located just a few feet from where the deck’s vertical support beams connected to the stairway that led to the second level above! In total, the ring traveled approximately 30 feet from where it initially flew off of Kristina’s finger as she was entering the house!
I was so happy to return the ring to its proper owner and witness the smiles that I had received following my surprise reveal! The couple couldn’t believe where I had found the gold piece because they had used their two metal detectors all around that section of the property and yet for three weeks they came away with nothing! I wrapped up the search in roughly 30 minutes or less! It just goes to show that having a metal detector or two doesn’t make you a successful detectorist! It takes many hours of learning, testing and experiencing the machine that you are working with in order to become proficient with it. I was so delighted that my ability to find rings for people everywhere in the Maryland, Virginia, Washington DC, Delaware, Pennsylvania and West Virginia areas had also helped Kristina bring this “mystery of the ring fling” case to a complete close and thankfully with much success indeed!
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