18K Tag | The Ring Finders

Fingers CROSS-ED Lost Cross,14K,Gold,Cape Cod,Mass Saltwater Beaches

Fingers CROSS-ED

On June 27th Rick Browne from the Ring Finders called and invited me to search for a silver cross that was lost the day before. I declined because of the high winds, rain, and BIG surf, and lots of heavy seaweed moved into the search area. Rick said he was going anyway to give it a quick scan. He called me later on that evening and said I made the correct decision that it was useless, he could just about move the detector because of waves and thick seaweed.
We touched base on the next morning and again he asked if I wanted to give it another try. I said I’m in. We met up, and went to the general area he was told it was possibly lost. Still lots of seaweed but less waves. We made our way out into water, Rick went his way, and I in the opposite direction. After about 45 minutes we both shrugged our shoulders, we still had no signals.  I made my way over to the outside of the grid area, and finally i got a lonely signal, but it was low, not high like silver, hmm? Low tone usually means Gold. As I dug it, Rick kept heading out into deeper water. As I looked deep into my scoop, sure enough it was the Silver CROSS that we were searching for. Puzzled a bit, when I motioned to Rick he looked surprised. He made his way over to see what I had found. He said “That’s It”  I flipped it over and it said 14K.  Makes sense it was White Gold. (Silver Color)
Rick & I went up to car and took a few pictures, then called Mary and Dave her husband… They couldn’t  believe we had found it. They took no time to get to us. Jennifer and Keith her husband bought the Cross for their son Colin. It was for his Confirmation in Jan of 2019. It has a very special meaning. Colin was devastated when he lost it. Rick and I are so glad that its back where it belongs. God Bless him and his family for believing in us. We never give up.
Sincerely Leighton
Leighton,Mary,& Rick


Dave & Mary with Cross recovered

14K White Gold Cross

14K Gold Confirmation Cross

Beausoleil Island, Port Severn, Ontario~Lost late Grandmother’s 18k white gold engagement ring in waters of Georgian Bay

  • from Brampton (Ontario, Canada)

2017-09-04 Beausoleil Island, Honey Harbour, Port Severn, Ontario

Received a phone call from Zac that his girlfriend Lauren was washing her hair in the water when her dog jumped in and her late Grandmother’s recently gifted to her went flying off her finger. Lauren was devastated!!!

So I made arrangement to come flying up Hwy 400 that day and meet Zac at the boat launch as we were headed to an Island cottage.

Lauren explained the area and I was limited to half of a scuba tank. I started grinding and pulled up some crazy items….large nails, old brass table light switch, some coins and lots of metal. Zac had said to try further over. After an hour he jumped it and used the small Scuba Tector I had brought along while I continued with the Minelab Excallibur 2. I went back to the original location and within 20 minute….B-O-O-M….FOUND Lauren’s late Grand Mother’s engagement ring. WHAT A BEAUTY. 18k WHITE GOLD ….. PRICELESS XO

I secretly hinted to my Daughter to start filming….and then SURPRISED THEM. Lauren shrieked in sheer relief. She was very grateful.


One relieved client

Lauren’s Heirloom