14k Tag | The Ring Finders

Lost 14k white gold heirloom ring returned! TRF Celina, Ohio

  • from Celina (Ohio, United States)

Andrew’s mother was very happy to receive this lost 14k white gold heirloom ring on behalf of her son who was beside himself when he lost it.

Andrew’s mother (Ann) contacted me recently in the hopes that a lost 14k white gold heirloom ring could be found. Andrew had lost the ring during an outside gym class session on some practice fields that amounted to the area of about 1-1/2 football fields.

That’s a lot of area to cover when you’re looking for an item about the size of a nickel. Obviously, an area like this is easier to cover and able to be covered very methodically if you can get a couple of people working a grid pattern. I contacted a friend (Travis) and we headed out to try and locate the ring. After about 4-1/2 hours of searching with no ring to show and a storm blowing in we made plans to come back another day to finish covering the area in hopes of being able to reunite the owner with their lost ring.

Andrew was very close with his grandmother and the ring had been passed down to him when his grandmother passed away in December. He wore the ring on his pinky finger to feel close to his grandmother. We knew he was very sad to have lost the ring and that it was such a sentimental item that we were trying to do everything we could to cover the area and locate his missing ring.

We made a return trip to finish covering the area and hopefully recover his missing ring for him. After a little over an hour of searching, we (Travis and I) were able to locate the ring!


We messaged Andrew right away! Unfortunately, Andrew was out of town and was unable to be there for a photo and to take possession of his ring. He did however call his mother, who was more than happy to come down and accept the ring on his behalf! Knowing that there had been more than two dozen people walking around trying to locate the item prior to us searching, and numerous sports practice sessions, Andrew’s mother thought that it was a miracle that we were even able to locate his ring. She had warned him that wearing his grandmother’s ring could result in it being lost, as was the case, but it has now been located and returned to it’s rightful owner! It has been put up so that this sentimental family heirloom will not be lost again. A needle in a haystack really can be found! Another ring returned, another successful search thanks to teamwork, and another happy ending! We were very glad to see the ring turn up and to see it returned!

On a side note Andrew was very glad to have found TheRingFinders service online and says he would recommend the service to anyone!

Fingers CROSS-ED Lost Cross,14K,Gold,Cape Cod,Mass Saltwater Beaches

Fingers CROSS-ED

On June 27th Rick Browne from the Ring Finders called and invited me to search for a silver cross that was lost the day before. I declined because of the high winds, rain, and BIG surf, and lots of heavy seaweed moved into the search area. Rick said he was going anyway to give it a quick scan. He called me later on that evening and said I made the correct decision that it was useless, he could just about move the detector because of waves and thick seaweed.
We touched base on the next morning and again he asked if I wanted to give it another try. I said I’m in. We met up, and went to the general area he was told it was possibly lost. Still lots of seaweed but less waves. We made our way out into water, Rick went his way, and I in the opposite direction. After about 45 minutes we both shrugged our shoulders, we still had no signals.  I made my way over to the outside of the grid area, and finally i got a lonely signal, but it was low, not high like silver, hmm? Low tone usually means Gold. As I dug it, Rick kept heading out into deeper water. As I looked deep into my scoop, sure enough it was the Silver CROSS that we were searching for. Puzzled a bit, when I motioned to Rick he looked surprised. He made his way over to see what I had found. He said “That’s It”  I flipped it over and it said 14K.  Makes sense it was White Gold. (Silver Color)
Rick & I went up to car and took a few pictures, then called Mary and Dave her husband… They couldn’t  believe we had found it. They took no time to get to us. Jennifer and Keith her husband bought the Cross for their son Colin. It was for his Confirmation in Jan of 2019. It has a very special meaning. Colin was devastated when he lost it. Rick and I are so glad that its back where it belongs. God Bless him and his family for believing in us. We never give up.
Sincerely Leighton
Leighton,Mary,& Rick


Dave & Mary with Cross recovered

14K White Gold Cross

14K Gold Confirmation Cross

Caledon, Ontario~Lost wedding band at a private retreat~still awaiting it’s owner to pick up

  • from Brampton (Ontario, Canada)

2017-09-04 Caledon, Ontario

I local girlfriend Sarah had read some of my ring recoveries & returns posted on my Facebook page from The Ring Finders clients.

She asked to see if I could find rings underwater and I advised that I am scuba certified (open water) and have all the gear.

Sarah discussed that a patron of the Private retreat location had lost his wedding band about 4 years ago. She advise that the water is a very cold because it was a spring fed pond.

I gathered up all my gear and scuba tanks. I really love my Minelab Excallibur2 water detector but also brought along a new piece of equipment called the « Scuba Tector ». It’s a small hand held unit for tight locations or rocky/hard to get to spots.

I started at the location of the lost ring and boy was Sarah right….water was freezing the deeper I got. With-in 15 minutes I had a great tone with the Excal2 but due to the low visibility with the sediment I couldn’t locate it. I turned on the Scuba Tector and pulled out the 14k white gold wedding band!! Sarah also mentioned missing Ray Ban sunglasses further over!! I tried for another hour but no luck.

They called the gentleman whom had left his phone # and left a message. The gentleman was now working in Hawaii but was coming back for Canadian Thanksgiving. Unfortunately no update if he’s picked up his ring!!

  Alison’s scuba water detecting

Sarah at the private pond

Lost/Recovered 14kt Gold Diamond Engagement Ring Delaware Seashore State Park Bethany Beach, Del.

  • from Lewes (Delaware, United States)

On 07/31/11 @ 10:19 am, I received a phone call from a young lady who had lost her 14kt Gold Diamond Engagement Ring on the Beach at the Delaware Seashore State Park Bethany Beach, Delaware. The ring slipped off of her finger and fell into the dry sand while she was applying suntan oil. The sand had been searched for about one hour without any luck before I received the phone call. I arrived at the beach and found that the area of the lost ring had been marked with beach towels. I began my search and with three swings of the detector I received a familiar gold tone. I used my sand scoop to carefully recover the ring and as the sand filtered through my scoop the ring appeared. The young lady gave a cheerful yell as she said « He’s got it, I see it! ».  Another great recovery!