Lost Diamond Ring Near Hammond, Louisiana - Found

  • from Lafayette (Louisiana, United States)

Aaron with ring Aaron with ring





Sid got the call from Aaron on Monday night. Aaron’s fiancée had dropped her diamond engagement ring in the muddy trail during an ATV ride.  She had stopped to clean the mud off her hands and the ring went with it. A few friends and a lot of searching, no success. We set up a meeting at the site for Wednesday morning. Long story short, Aaron, his friend Blake, Carrie and Sid all arrived late because of an uncooperative ATV and a truck brake caliper coming unbolted at 65 mph. We rode ATV’s  to the hunt site, a very muddy section of the trail. Getting at least one foot of penetration into the mud in most places we stood, the conditions were to say the least, challenging. The thick sticky mud had a suction like a Hoover vacuum cleaner. Finding pull tabs, crushed cans and assorted metal was quite discouraging. After an hour of hunting, Carrie took a break and perched on dry land bordering the trail while Aaron used her detector and pointer to continue hunting. He made a pass on top of a 1 foot deep wheel rut with no signal. Turning the detector sideways and passing it in the same rut gave a hit. Carrie checked on the reading from Aaron. She told him to check it out with the pin pointer. He located the source and actually saw the diamond on the side of the rut. One hour and some luck yielded success. Took quite a bit longer to clean the mud off the ATV’s, detectors, shoes, cameras, etc., etc. It was great to see the smile on Aaron’s face but would have been made better by seeing his fiancée’s smile after   receiving the news that evening. Thank you Aaron and Blake for making a taxing hunt bearable with your great attitudes and helpfulness. Thanks for the generous reward. 



2 Replies to “Lost Diamond Ring Near Hammond, Louisiana – Found”

  1. John Volek dit :

    Great recovery, cool seeing the soon to be groom down in the mix looking for the ring a s well!

  2. Steve Smith dit :

    Great job, great recovery!

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