Sean Kelly, Author at The Ring Finders | Page 4 of 4

Diamond Engagement Ring lost in Sebago Lake, Maine recovered

  • from Rockport (Maine, United States)


I was contacted by Adam who was vacationing on Sebago Lake to search for the engagement ring of his fiancée Sonya. They and a group of friends were swimming and hanging out in about waist deep water when the ring was lost. The group began searching for the ring in the loose sandy lake bed and did so for better than an hour to no avail. I received the call that night and upon my arrival the following day I began a broad visual search of the bottom all the while soliciting some help with a prayer to Saint Anthony. I then began sweeping  the suspected loss area with my detector, finding a chunk of iron, sparkler, bullet shell, rusty nail  and a brass button. Expanding my grid toward shore I found the ring in knee deep water located about 5 inches into the sand, which was probably the result of the groups search efforts the previous evening. A happy ending to the story and this group of friends, especially the Bride and Groom to be will return to New Jersey tomorrow with smiles and a good story of disaster averted, thanks to The Ring Finders. A portion of the generous reward I received will be donated to the Autism Society of Maine, a cause close to Adam’s heart as his brother has Autism Spectrum Disorder.

Two lost gold rings found on Maine beach

  • from Rockport (Maine, United States)

I received a call from a man named Matt whose wife had lost two rings including her wedding ring on the beach at Reid State Park in Maine. The couple was on a multi stop camping vacation and were continueing on, planning to email directions to the area where the rings were lost after they arrived at the next site.  Unfortunately cell service was nil at there new location and by using the camp grounds land line I received voice mail directions. A+++ to Matt for his treasure mapping because X pretty much marked the spot. Utilizing his landmarks and height of tide references, about 10 minutes of sweeping and the rings were recovered about 7 inches deep. I caught up to them at their next stop not far from my house to return the rings; talk  about some happy campers. To stay on the camping theme a portion of their generous reward will be donated to Hurricane Island Outward Bound to be used towards scholarships for their world class outdoor programs.

Networking within the Riing Finders Network

  • from Rockport (Maine, United States)

I received a call from a gentleman whose wife had lost her wedding and engagement rings on a beach a few miles from my house. The problem was that I was out of town on vacation and couldn’t help, or could I? I put a call out to a few fellow detectorists who turned out to be unavailable but after checking the directory I found another Ring Finder who was about an hour and half away and recommended a call to him. Long story short, he made the trip down the coast and recovered the rings the next morning. Goes to show,  you should always call a Ring Finder first.

Lost ring, found in Maine Lake

  • from Rockport (Maine, United States)
  1. I received a call from a gentleman who lost his wedding ring off the dock at his parents camp on Toddy Pond. I drove up the following day donned my scuba gear said a prayer for St. Anthony’s help and made the recovery quickly utilizing only my pin pointer in about 9 feet of water. Since both the owner of the ring and his father are in the business of marketing eye wear to optometrist’s I will be donating a portion of his generous reward to the Camden Lions Club to help their work with those whom are visually impaired.

Ring lost in Maine snow

  • from Rockport (Maine, United States)

If you have lost your ring, jewelry, keys, or phone while shoveling after a storm or playing in the snow, you are not alone. Before trying to rent a metal detector or giving up altogether, call me Sean Kelly- Professional Metal Detectorist, I can help. See my listing in The Ring Finders directory for contact information I work in Mid-Coast Maine and points beyond.