Harwich Port, Massachusetts gold ring, lost, found and returned

  • from Cape Cod (Massachusetts, United States)

Jeff was enjoying the yearly family get-to-gather on Cape Cod and a football catch in the water of Nantucket Sound. The inevitable happened. His left handed toss of the football was fallowed by his flying wedding band.

After several hours of searching by Jeff and his friends without any sign of the ring. A call to a newly renewing member, Leighton Harrington, help was on its way. The time of day and tide was such that a search could not be started until 6am. Leighton and I often detect together and keep each other company on the trip to the search area, during the search and ride home.

In the water and looking, two rings were found on the first morning’s search, neither were the object of quest. During the day Jeff marked the area with a few coins before Leighton and I returned to search the second day. Leighton found a few of the coins and I found the ring in the same area we had searched over the previous day. If you miss it by an inch, you have missed it. That is why we don’t give up after the first search and crisscrossing the area.

Back at the house, pictures were taken and the return was made. Big smiles and the thought of a tear was observed. After a few stories were exchanged, Leighton and I were on our way for coffee and to set up a meeting time for the next day’s detecting experience. We were feeling great about putting a smile on another person’s face.


3 Replies to “Harwich Port, Massachusetts gold ring, lost, found and returned”

  1. Lansing Browne dit :

    Another Outstanding day, great photos. Doing very good this year with the recovery’s, keep on goin….

  2. Great job out there yesterday and today… Persistence paid off after a few hours the ring was returned unharmed…Thanks for the help… in this recovery

  3. Jeff dit :

    Thank you Rick and Leighton! Incredible persistence and great job!

    My wife was *floored* when I showed her the ring, and no one can believe you found it. Great tip on marking the spot with quarters.

    I still can’t believe I have the ring again. Thank you thank you!

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