Unexpected Recovery of a Lost Gold Ring Found in Wendale N.C.

  • from Hillsborough (North Carolina, United States)


On 3/10/15 , I was at a friend of a friends place helping to find a lost class ring a lady named Melody lost over 30 years ago when I made an unexpected Discovery. Hers the story of the find..

My friend James told me of a lady friend of his named Melody who had lost a gold class Ring over 30 years ago at her home site. I went out there on 3/10/15 to see if I could help her find it using my ATgold metal detector. As I was searching for her lost ring I made an unexpected recovery which was unexpected to her as well.. I had been searching for awhile with no luck when I got a really good strong signal.. I dug the target and out pop a ring made of gold, At first I thought I found her ring but when I looked closer at the ring I noticed it was not a class ring but it was a gold U.S, Army / Airborn Ring.. I showed it to Melody and to her suprise she reconized it was her dads ring who had passed away in 2011.. She did not even know the ring was lost so it was a great suprise to see it again.. I searched the rest of the day for her ring but did not find it.. But I will be going back to search again.. Even though I did not find Melody’s Ring , I did find her dads lost ring whiched made her very happy..


army ring 037 army ring 037 (2)


2 Replies to “Unexpected Recovery of a Lost Gold Ring Found in Wendale N.C.”

  1. Chris Turner dit :

    That is amazing! Way to go Michael, great recovery!!

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