Ring lost in Alpine Found

  • from La Jolla (California, United States)

April contacted me yesterday asking if I could travel to Alpine, Ca. to search for a lost wedding ring. Sure I could! We made arrangements to meet today at 1pm to conduct the search. It seems that after dark the night before, in a momentary fit of pique, she threw the ring across the street from her house toward the front yard of a neighbor. She shortly regretted her actions, and with her husband, searched for hours with an inexpensive metal detector without success. After getting the description and likely area where the ring should have landed, I started a grid search in the ice plant with my Equinox, while my wife did a visual search along the street, sidewalk and yard area. After a little over 15 minutes and several pieces of foil later, I got a good signal in the ice plant right next to a bush. I pulled some of the surface branches aside and ran my pin pointer down inside. Just as I received a signal, I could just see the beautiful white gold engagement/wedding ring. My wife went back across the street to give them the good news. After showing them where the ring ended up, I removed it from it’s hiding place and handed it to a happy April. A pleasure to meet you and thank you for the reward.


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