Lost engagement ring Found at La Jolla Shores

  • from La Jolla (California, United States)

Shortly after returning home from metal detecting for fun all morning with some of my fellow Ring Finders, I received a call from Mariana who had lost her engagement ring in the dry sand at La Jolla Shores. I told her I would meet her there in a half hour or so. I then put my cold drink back in the fridge, gathered my gear, and headed back out for what I hoped would be an easy return. As it turned out, that’s exactly what it was. Mariana had taken her ring off before going into the ocean, but, her hands were slippery with lotion, and the ring fell into the sand.  She showed me the area where she was standing when this happened and after maybe 10 seconds, I got a weak low tone in my E-trac that has said « small gold » in the past. I poked my Uniprobe down about 4-5 inches and found the ring. Mariana and her fiance’ were very happy as they are to be wed the first of August. On the way out, I stopped by the lifeguard stand and thanked them for the referral, then headed back home for that long awaited cold drink! I’m glad I could be a small chapter in this ring’s story and help it continue it’s journey into a full novel. My pleasure meeting you, thank you for the reward, and best wishes for your future together.

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2 Replies to “Lost engagement ring Found at La Jolla Shores”

  1. Chris Turner dit :

    Nice fast recovery and great smile you found Mark…Way to go!

  2. Mariana L. dit :

    You are a life saver Mark!!!
    Honestly there is no words to describe this beautiful gesture. Not only that but you came out on Father’s day, a holiday!! I though « Oh no he’s not going to want to come, that’s it he’s not going to come, It lost forever » . But you are so kind and didn’t even hesitate or complain nothing, you laughed at my mini joke fathers day comment and yet you still came to the rescue. I honestly couldn’t believe it!!!

    I just want to say thank you from the bottom of my heart. I know it is jewelry and it can be replaced but it really can’t, not the sentimental value it carries. My fiancé picked it out just for me and it means the world to me.

    My heart was crushed after two hours in the blazing sun, on my knees and elbows trying to find it and coming up short. My fiancé kept me calm as we worked together to find it. We had given up, and I started to cry. As I refused to except my reality, we approached the lifeguard who was another life saver hehehe
    He lead me to you, Mark!

    And not even A MINUTE into your search, YOU FOUND IT!!!!! 😀 THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!
    I could drown you in Thank you’s Mark 🙂 really you don’t understand how overjoyed I am. Especially so close to the wedding!!

    All my best wishes to you Mark! Keeping being that hero to so many others !! <3 🙂

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