50 Years of Marriage. Wedding Band found in bushes (lost,Found,Reunited)

50 Years of Marriage.

Upon getting in from detecting I got a call from a gentleman named Jim that lived very close to me. He proceeded to tell me how he had lost his wedding band a few days earlier. He said he tripped down a few stairs and landed in some Pachysandra plants. His wife of over 50 years their neighbors all searched for it a few times to no avail. I told him I’ll come rite over and have a look. Never any guaranty but let’s give it a try.

When I got there we walked across the street to the neighbors house as he talked about it and that it’s very sentimental to him and his wife Kathy and worth around $4,000.00 to replace it. It was a very small area to search. I only had one signal, and It was a nail, Grrr… we were running out of real-estate fast, but I told him not to give up till he sees me get into my truck and leave. I looked around the corner of the house close to that small patch, and noticed a broken Hydrangea plant stem. He hit it and broke it with his arm when he fell, I spread the bush apart and laying at the bottom of the plant on the lowest stem possible hanging from it was his beautiful wedding band that had two rows of 5 diamonds. No pinpointed needed. I asked him how much does he like me?  He started to cry immediately, he knew I had found it. After a few moments he caught his breath enough to Thank me, I said It was absolutely my pleasure, and was so glad he has it back on that finger. Happy Anniversary my friend.

Sincerely Leighton

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