Lost Rose Gold Wedding Band in Aulani Lagoon Ko Olina Resort...FOUND!!!

  • from O‘ahu (Hawaii, United States)

This ring find began when Taryn from Hawaii Kai reached out and told me her husband Jeremy had lost his Rose Gold Wedding Band in shallow water at Aulani’s Lagoon.  He had been brushing the sand off his leg when the ring fell off in shallow water.  I had nothing going on so I told Taryn I’d grab my gear and head down.  She told me they had already left after searching for at least an hour and were heading back to Hawaii Kai.  We discussed the details to the lost location and I told her I would call after the hunt.  Thankfully,  when I arrived the area was clear of beachgoers and I was able to start my grid search in earnest.  I had detected this area the day before and it was sterile.  Then about 20 minutes into the hunt « Boom! »  15-17 on the Nox and I knew it was the ring.  However the thinness of the ring allowed the sand to push it away from my scoop at least six times.  Finally, I had the target in the scoop and it was indeed Jeremy’s  ring.  I rinsed off and went back to my car and texted a pic of the ring asking, « This one? »  Response was « YES!!! »  We agreed to meet at the Jack Lord Bust at Kahala Mall for the return.  Smiles all around.  Aloha to Taryn & Jeremy!

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One Reply to “Lost Rose Gold Wedding Band in Aulani Lagoon Ko Olina Resort…FOUND!!!”

  1. Taryn dit :

    You are a life saver! I can’t believe you just ran out and got it right after we called. Thank you!

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