Lost Gold Wedding Band at Obama's Beach Waimanalo...FOUND!!!

  • from O‘ahu (Hawaii, United States)

This ring find began when I was texted that a ladies cousin lost his wedding band on the beach.  I sent my phone number and Alan from Chicago, Illinois reached out yesterday and told me that he lost the gold wedding band when he was playing with his cousins in shallow water at Obama’s Beach in Waimanalo.  He wasn’t sure when it came off but he had remained in a confined area.  With the hurricane approaching and Alan leaving the next day back to Chicago I agreed to meet him early this morning for the hunt.  The area is protected by a coral rock breakwater so after Alan drew the extreme grid lines in the sand I started my search in the calm lagoon.  I detected some lead fishing weights and some copper bullet jackets so figured the ring would still be here.  On the second leg of the grid solid 17-18 on the Nox and on the second scoop there was Alan’s Gold Wedding Band in the scoop.  Alan was obviously ecstatic as I called to him on the shore that I had found his wedding band.  Vacation saved!  Alan returning to Chicago with Wedding Band back on his finger.  Aloha to Alan and his family!


3 Replies to “Lost Gold Wedding Band at Obama’s Beach Waimanalo…FOUND!!!”

  1. Dorothy dit :

    MAHALO for helping my cousin! He was so relieved to have his ring back on his finger, and is headed back to Chicago today. He was so heartbroken on Sunday – I’m so happy that his last day brought the best news! Thank you for saving his vacation, and making this a wonderful trip to remember. Joe and Metal Detecting Oahu are THE BEST!!! 💙

  2. Alan dit :

    Thank you so much!! Seeing you hold up my ring 15 minutes into the search as the sun was rising, was an incredible moment of joy and peace. It was a new day, a great day. Your experience, passion, and responsiveness was a great gift to me, and is to many others in similar situations. Mahalo!

  3. Alan dit :

    Thank you so much!! What a gift to have my wedding ring again. Your experience, responsiveness, and passion to reconnect people with their lost items are a gift to those of who need to call on your services. Mahalo!!

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