Lost Gold Men's Wedding Band at Waialae-Kahala Beach...FOUND!!!

  • from O‘ahu (Hawaii, United States)

This ring find began back on 2 February when I got a call from the Ala Moana Hotel and guest Ana Lucia who was on her honeymoon from Costa Rica.  Ana told me her husband Jose lost his Yellow Gold Wedding ring at Waialae-Kahala Beach a few hours ago in waist deep water.  I asked if they could meet me there in about 30 minutes as that beach is only 10 minutes from my home.  They agreed so I headed over.  There is very limited parking but I got lucky as I was pulling in someone was leaving.  It took Jose & Ana a bit longer as rush hour traffic was just starting.  When they arrived Ana interpreted to Jose my request for him to show me where in the water he was.  I asked to go to the deepest and then I would work towards shore.  I started a grid search and worked towards shore.  Thankfully not too many targets but as I entered waist deep water Jose relayed thru Ana that he thought I was getting too close to shore.   Ana thought I was actually too far to the East so I moved Westward and deeper.  This area became very trashy so I was digging plenty of trash.  After an hour or so Jose & Ana said thank you for trying but maybe it was just meant to be.  I told them I wouldn’t give up and would try again soon.  Turns out the next day was super calm and a perfect low tide so I returned and started the hunt again.  With all the targets I figured the ring must still be here.  I started the Jose grid again this meant I was going to work more East and toward shore.  Sure enough as I left the previous days grid more East and Shallower I got a booming #20 on the Nox and in one scoop there was Jose’s ring in the scoop.  Had I only gone one more grid line the previous day I probably would have found it.  I immediately sent an email but to my surprise Jose & Ana had already flown back to Cost Rica as they hadn’t responded until a few days later.  Thankfully, Ana’s Aunt in San Francisco was going to visit them in Costa Rica that following weekend and if I got the ring by Express Mail to her she would personally deliver it to Jose when she arrived in Costa Rica.  Got the best « Shaka » pic I’ve seen in a long time.  Look at those smiles!  Aloha to Jose & Ana Lucia!

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