Lost House, Work and Vehicle Keys and FOBs at Bellows Beach...FOUND!!!

  • from O‘ahu (Hawaii, United States)

This Key hunt began when I got a call from Andrew who is doing his residency at Tripler Medical Center and hails from Indianapolis, Indiana. While enjoying a day at the beach with his friends he realized his keys went missing. The only thing for sure was they were on the beach. Whether in the sand or water he wasn’t positive. Andrew’s best guess was when he set up the area with beach chairs they must have fallen off into the sand. I started an search of that area which was thirty by twenty feet. Only found 36 cents. I asked Andrew during his transit from the car to the area we searched and since he had his keys hanging from his finger did he do anything in between. He said Yes about thirty yards away his friend came over and helped him carry the chairs & umbrellas he was carrying. That area was marked by a wood pile stood up like a tee-pee. You can see that in the above pic. I hunted around that area but still no keys. Those FOBs area $500 apiece Andrew told me. Looking down the beach I told Andrew lets walk down the beach away and see if they pop up. I truly believe the hand of God played a role in this recovery. Over a football field away from the original hunt area I got a target on the Equinox at the high tide mark in the sand. Wet & dry sand transition. I scooped down and lifted the scoop. To my utter amazement there were Andrew’s keys in the scoop. Are you kidding me? This cannot be happening. Andrew wasn’t even sure what path he took down the beach. Honestly this became a haphazard hunt and I never in a million years thought we were going to find these keys. Look at the tremendous amount of trash on the beach. Thankfully very little was metal. We also determined much of it was from the Japan Tsunami of 2011. I actually found a barnacle and coral encrusted plastic milk crate from Tendo City, Yamagata Japan during this hunt. My friend Chris confirmed it was in the area devastated by the Tsunami. Andrew is obviously very thankful and told me he was actually shaking while holding his keys again. Aloha to Andrew!

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One Reply to “Lost House, Work and Vehicle Keys and FOBs at Bellows Beach…FOUND!!!”

  1. Andrew dit :

    I really cannot express the appreciation and gratitude I have for Joe. I had very little hopes for finding our keys from an extensive search a day ago. I got a tip from the Honda dealership to reach out specifically to Joe before going through the expensive replacement. They told me, “if it’s there, he’ll find it.” I could not be more thankful that I called. He’s extremely professional and a genuinely kind person. He even was educating me on the hunt! He was a true pleasure to work with. Thanks so much again Joe and I will absolutely never forget it!

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