Lost Gold & Diamonds Engagement Ring at Marriot Ko Olina...FOUND!!!

  • from O‘ahu (Hawaii, United States)

This ring find started with a call from the Marriot staff concerning a Japanese couple who lost their ring at the resort. They were trying to coordinate an interpreter but wanted to be sure I was available. After 30 minutes with no call back I called the Marriot looking for the couple. Rush hour traffic was fast approaching and I wanted to get on the road ASAP. The couple couldn’t be found. Then a gentleman named Kevin gave me a call and said he knew where another couple lost their ring in the sand earlier in the day and if I’d come out to find as they searched by sifting the sand with no luck. I told Kevin I was on the way and I’d call him in about an hour when I arrived. Kevin and his family met me at Longboards’ bar on the beach and we headed down to the sandy area where he had been sifting for the ring. He already gridded out the area about the size of a large automobile. First screaming target was a Lincoln zinc cent. Ten seconds later was a low growler that was sounding good. Two scoops down and there was an incredible 10 diamonds in white gold ring. Well this can’t be it there is no solitaire diamond. Kevin said he assumed it would be since he was told it was an engagement ring. I finished the grid with 11 more cents. Now to figure out whose ring I found. Kevin thought the couple may have left the resort but was going to check and see if he could find them. Meanwhile with a traffic check I wasn’t leaving anytime soon. I grabbed my phone and started playing Pokemon Go! About 10 minutes later my phone rang and it was Genelle from Coeurd’Alene, Idaho who had lost her ring. She described it exactly and asked me how I could get it back to them. I told her traffic kept me at the resort so she was in luck I was 3 minutes from them. Genelle and her husband David met me by Longboards and after showing her the ring their were several Thank You Jesus comments. I think it might have been divine intervention that kept me at the resort so Genelle could get her ring back before leaving on a flight the next day. Such grateful people. Aloha to Genelle & David and the entire McHale family for such effort in making this ring find happen.

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One Reply to “Lost Gold & Diamonds Engagement Ring at Marriot Ko Olina…FOUND!!!”

  1. Brent Madison dit :

    Love it! Way to go Joe!

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