Lost Wedding Band at Kahala Beach............FOUND!

  • from O‘ahu (Hawaii, United States)


I saw the following craigslist ad:

Men’s Wedding Ring Lost @ Kahala Beach (Honolulu)

Please help! I lost my wedding ring in the shallow water off Kahala Beach. It’s a white gold band, with a turquoise wrap, next to a Koa Wood wrap. I can offer a small reward of $25 for the honorable person who finds it and returns it to me. It’s a non-expensive ring valued at $50, but it has a lot of sentimental value to me. We were off 4771 Kahala Ave beach access. If you walk towards the ocean and you get to the beach, go left a little ways from the beach access, I lost it in the shallow water there. Mahalo!!

The surf finally settled down on the South shore so I took my daughter Korin and wife Wendy to the beach so I could take a shot at finding Sean’s Wedding ring. Kahala Beach has a lot of metal trash so my odds would be hampered trying to sort through the chatter. Sean gave good location data so I started my search at the beach access and worked to the left. My first target was a Dog named « Tucker » who lost his collar. That will be an easy return as it has two owner phone numbers. On the ninth leg of the grid search in waist deep water I got that tone and there was Sean’s beautiful ring. Now if he answers my craigslist reply we’ll get him his ring and a smile!!!

I finally got to meet Sean today at Kahala Mall to give back his ring. He told me he had just put sunscreen on and was paddling with his hands on a float when the ring popped off. He thought for sure he’d never see it again. I’m just glad it was in the sandy area versus the rocks which would have been nearly impossible. Smiles all around. Aloha to Sean!

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