Lost Black Diamond & Titanium Wedding Ring at Kaimana Beach Waikiki…FOUND!!!
This ring find began yesterday when I got a call from David who was on vacation from Middletown, Connecticut and enjoying the day at Kaimana Beach with his lovely wife Sara. While heading out for a swim David’s Black Diamond Titanium ring fell off into the sand just before the reef edge in waist deep water. He actually saw the ring on the bottom momentarily but a wave crashed into him and it was buried from sight by the stirred up sand. David found me on « theringfinders » website and we agreed to meet the next morning at 9 during the low tide. When I arrived I met Sara & David on the beach and David went into the water to show me where to hunt. He had counted 25 paces from the water’s edge which was a brilliant manuever in order to get the most precise location. Most tourists in a panic would not think to do that. I fired up the beast and started gridding around David. Thankfully, the area was sterile and the first target boomed on the Manticore. Upon the second scoop there was David’s unique ring in the scoop. David retrieved the ring from the scoop and we went up to the area where Sara was on the beach. We were going to tell her it was a hopeless situation but I think she could tell immediately that prank wasn’t going to work. A few laughs and handshakes and I was on my way home. Vacation saved! Aloha to David & Sara!