Lost Engagement Ring FOUND in Severna Park, Maryland!

  • from Baltimore (Maryland, United States)

A few weeks ago I received a call from Tim explaining how his wife lost her engagement ring. He went on to say while she was almost positive it came off while walking their dogs down the driveway. The driveway, which was a good 100 yards or so long, was bordered the entire length on one side by wooded area. She believed it came off in a specific area where she recalled the dogs getting wrapped around some brush, but did not rule out any of the driveway due to the frigid temperatures that day. We made arrangements to meet the next day and Tim and Tara went over the area with me that he described the day before. I’ll let Tara tell you in her own words how things went down, but on a side note to my detecting colleagues….this was actually tough one to find! Reason is that although the ring was on the surface, there ended up being a piece of old « soda can » aluminum directly under the ring about 2 inches down! This means nothing to most of you who read this, but to us metal detecting geeks this spells trouble! A piece of « trash » like this so close to the target(in this case the ring!) acts like a shield to obtaining the « good » signal we would be looking for when searching for gold and/or platinum. I mention this in the event you are looking for something that should « sound » specific in your headphones and you have no luck. I suggest you take a break, regroup and come at the situation in a different manner. It sure paid off for me…….and for Tim and Tara!


« I came home from work and walked my dogs as usual. The only difference that day was the bitter cold temperature outside. I came in from my walk and noticed my engagement ring fell off (my fingers shrunk in the cold weather) I tried to retrace my steps but the area to cover was overwhelming, it was getting dark, and leaves were piled high. I panicked and called Home Depot & Ace Hardware trying to rent a metal detector. No one in the Severna Park area rented them-only sold, and they were thousands of dollars. I Googled « metal detector help severna park » and The Ring Finders popped up. We called and Jim scheduled to come over the very next morning at 6:30am (even though he was leaving for vacation that morning). Jim arrived and told me to stop and think, and walk him through my steps. We walked up and down the street and didn’t find anything. My husband and I had to leave for work, and Jim said he would try and stay a few more minutes. He explained if he didn’t find it, he would come back another day to search. My husband and I were preparing for the worst and discussed calling the insurance company.. when mid sentence we got a call from Jim! HE FOUND MY RING! Tears poured down my face! We met to pick it up and I immediately hugged him! Jim is an amazing man! We are so happy we called the site! Jim told us if it was out there, he would find it! He wasn’t going to give up on us! So I want to tell you if you are reading this because you lost something and you want it back CALL JIM NOW! »

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– Tara & Tim
Severna Park MD


2 Replies to “Lost Engagement Ring FOUND in Severna Park, Maryland!”

  1. Chris Turner dit :

    Sounded like a difficult search Jim but you found the Smile!!!Way to go!!!

  2. Darlene Roulund dit :

    This is an amazing story and I’m so glad that my daughter, Tara called you and you were able to find her engagement ring. I know for sure both Tim & Tara have now made another remarkable friend for life. Thank you for being you.

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