Heirloom Yellow Gold Wedding Ring Lost in Yard Des Moines WA

Heirloom Yellow Gold Wedding Ring Lost in Yard Des Moines WA

  • from Mercer Island (Washington, United States)


SeattleRingHunter Lost Item Recovery Specialist LAND & SCUBA Call ASAP 206-618-8194

Amy called me asking for assistance in locating a lost gold wedding band. She had her late fathers wedding band and had been wearing it for a long time. It had become loose in the past year. She had previously lost the ring once before. She had rented a metal detector but later found the ring in a coat pocket. This second time she lost the ring she rented a metal detector a second time but got busy with other task and never really had a chance to search for her lost ring. When returning her ring the man at our local metal detection shop passed my card on to her for some extra help. When I arrived she had explained to me that she had some good thoughts that it was most likely lost while mowing her front lawn that day. She also told me she had some wrist braces on her right hand that had a bit of material that wrapped around her thumb where she wore her father’s gold wedding band. She knew the ring was loose fitting and suspected it was some where in the yard.

After ten minutes of searching we recovered her fathers ring after having been in the yard for the past six months. The ring survived several lawn mowings and was recovered undamaged in good condition.

Watch this story as the ring is recovered and returned to Miss Amy where its story will continue in the memory of her beloved father.


Jeff Morgan



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One Reply to “Heirloom Yellow Gold Wedding Ring Lost in Yard Des Moines WA”

  1. Mike McInroe dit :

    Nice work there Jeff. Putting another smile on a sad face!

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