Ring Found & Returned, Newport, RI

  • from Woonsocket (Rhode Island, United States)

Jasmine and her fiancé, Graham, were guests at a family wedding at the New York Yacht Club on Saturday.  While socializing with other guests on the lawn, Jasmine waved her hand and her diamond engagement ring flew off.  Jasmine, Graham, and other guests searched the lawn with flashlights but couldn’t locate the ring.  On Sunday morning, Graham found The Ring Finders website and called me for help.  I drove to the yacht club and searched the lawn area for a few hours before Jasmine and Graham had to leave.  They were discouraged, but I told them I wouldn’t give up the search.  Over an hour later, I located the ring deep in the grass and called them with the good news.  We made arrangements to meet them in Massachusetts, and Jasmine was thrilled to have the ring back on her finger!

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