Lost Platinum Wedding Band at English Bay Beach, Vancouver...Found

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)



I helped David find his Platinum wedding band that he lost in the ocean 3 days before we made contact. He told me the story that just before they left the beach for home he was washing the sand off his daughter when he felt the ring come off his finger and into the water.

He spent the next 45 minutes searching for his wedding ring in the not so warm water but so often the end result is the sand wins! That’s only temporary as  »The Ring Finders » are there to help!



If David could put me in the area I will find it, if someone hasn’t beat me to it.

Well after searching the first area just 2 hours before dark we didn’t  have any luck. David started to think that he put me in the wrong location after his wife sent him a picture of him in the water. I decided to return the next morning for low tide and search the new area…



It took 2 hours and I found the ring! I love a good hunt! And I love my job!

Thanks for reading my blog.

Lost something? Call me or The Ring Finders near you.


You can watch the video of the search below…



4 Replies to “Lost Platinum Wedding Band at English Bay Beach, Vancouver…Found”

  1. Mark dit :

    Way to go Chris! I’ve had many surf hunts and I know how difficult it can be. Try keeping a straight line in 5ft surf when you’re waist deep!

  2. Mike McInroe dit :

    Congrats again Chris on another successful search! You are so right about the thrill of finding the ring and again of being able to return it to it’s rightful owner! Keep up the good work!

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