Lost Keys in wooded area - FOUND! Wexford, PA near Pittsburgh

  • from Indiana (Pennsylvania, United States)

Lost your ring, other valuable jewelry, cellphone, keys, or other metal object…call or text Brian Carpenter at (814)244-2300 as soon as possible. I am a ring recovery specialist serving Pittsburgh, Indiana (PA), and most of Western PA. Why rent a metal detector when you can get a trained operator with top of the line equipment at the same time…

Robin had lost her keys and reached out to me to see if I could help. She was working in a backyard/wooded area and they fell out of her pocket. I drove out and met Robin, surveyed the area and got started. After about 15 mins. I located the keys next to a tree under a bit of leaves and other debris. Robin was elated that I found her keys and I was happy to be able to return them. As always, it is great to meet new people who are kind and generous and be able to help them!




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