Platinum Wedding Rings found in the Curbside Garbage Bin after Searching Home in Brampton, Ontario

  • from Brampton (Ontario, Canada)

Raj and her Husband were preparing for a trip out west to Vancouver and thought she had put her wedding rings on top of the dresser!

Both her and her husband had tried looking for them, and during their time away, she followed up with him as he thought she had!

When they arrived back home, they continued to search the home with no luck!

They called upon me on Canada Day to come down to search the home! I started off in the first area of the process: the master bedroom! I searched through every nook and cranny in the drawers, the bed/bedding, the flooring, the floor vents, the closets, the storage bins, the bathroom sink and toilet!

I continued on in the other bedrooms and bathroom with no luck. I proceeded to the main floor and continued my search process.

After an hour, I proceeded outside to the Region of Peel curb-side garbage bins where there were a total of six bags of garbage to search!

It never fails, but I came upon searching the very last garbage bag and lo and behold, I recovered Raj’s platinum engagement ring and wedding!!!

Both Raj and her Husband were absolutely thrilled, but what a small world it is as her Husband is a work colleague of mine!

Region of Peel Garbage ZERO – Ring owners ONE!

Check out the video of this incredible ring recovery and please like and subscribe to my YouTube channel! Thank you, Ally

Link below;

#CityofBrampton #brampton #Bramptoncity #regionofpeel #lostrings #lostringingarbage #ontarioringfinder #lostinhome


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One Reply to “Platinum Wedding Rings found in the Curbside Garbage Bin after Searching Home in Brampton, Ontario”

  1. Raj dit :

    We cannot thank you enough for your hard work and dedication to finding the rings for us! At one point, I had given up and was so sad until you delivered the good news!!!!! Amazing!

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