The Flying Ring... Part 1/North Vancouver

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

I had a call for a lost ring the other day and when I talked to the young man he told me that he gave his ring to his step son and he lost it in this field.
We met at the field and he showed me the area that he figured it might be lost in, I told him it might take a while so if he wanted to go home I’d call him when I found the ring. I started my search and after an 1 1/2 I had no ring. I felt I did a good grid search and I called to ask if he could come down with his son so he could show me the area he was playing in.

About ten minutes later his wife shows up with their son and I was thinking great now I can get a better idea of the area. His wife told me straight out that it had nothing to do with her son, she told me her husband threw it away…

No judgment as this happens a lot and he isn’t the first and won’t be the last to get mad and throw a ring! This however changed everything as the ring could have gone a long way…

I spent another hour or more and didn’t find the ring but I will be back to finish up the search. The chances of finding the ring will be better if I can get the young man to come to the field and throw a test ring so I can gage the distance it traveled.

I’ll keep you posted with part 2 of the flying ring soon!

Thanks for reading my stories.

I love my job!

Lost something? Call- 778-838-Find(3463)

View the video of the search below…

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