Honeymoon Celebration Produces All Rings Lost, Two Found – Sneads Ferry, NC
Kaity & Zach were celebrating their recent marriage and honeymooning in Sneads Ferry, North Carolina. While they were at a friends house along Chadwick Bay, Kaity decided to take a running jump into the bay off of the boat dock. Both of her wedding rings came off of her finger into the bay and it’s soft muddy bottom. Along with friends, they both searched for the underwater rings and came across oyster shells along the way which were thrown out of the area. During the search, Zach also lost his wedding band. After hours of searching they finally gave up. A friend found Crystal Coast Ring Finders and message was sent out. Upon arrival, I was skeptical as I know these waters can sometimes be hard or soft bottoms. This one was the latter. I was searching around the boat dock in about 3 foot of water and pulling up various items from the bottom when within the first half hour Kaity’s engagement ring was brought up from the bottom. Surprisingly, her very thin wedding band wasn’t found. During the 1st attempted search, I was able to locate Zach’s missing wedding band just under the boat dock amongst other oyster shells. A 2nd attempt was made on a different day and Kaity’s wedding band was not located. I suspect it was either pressed deep into the soft black mud bottom or thrown out of the area attached to an oyster shell cluster. Kaity & Zach were mostly concerned about getting the wedding ring back in their possession.