Metal detector rental Groton CT Tag | The Ring Finders

Lost Ring Groton Long Point Connecticut… Found!

  • from Stonington (Connecticut, United States)

« Over this past week I have heard some funny, sad and plain crazy stories of how people have lost their wedding rings. Well, here is mine:

Jess and I got married last Saturday in Groton, CT. It was by the water and it was an amazing night. After a long day/night of tearing up the dance floor, I decided that I needed to go for a late-night swim in the ocean to freshen up (not recommended). All was great, the water was the perfect temperature and the sky was clear and you could see all the stars. I floated around for a little bit and then went back to the beach house to call it a night.

The next morning we had brunch at my godparents’ house and someone wanted to see my ring. Never being a ring wearer, I extended my arm and looked at my hand and realized that it wasn’t on my finger. Without panicking, I told my family if they told Jess I would kill them and I sprinted to the beach house (ran about 100 ft, got out of breath and walked the rest).

I flipped the beach house upside down looking in every room/bathroom/drain/pocket/shoe that I came across. It wasn’t in the house so I went to the beach where thy lay the nyth before. Couldn’t find it thur either but knew that it was somewhere yonder in the deep blue arrrrr.

Oh well. Jess and I are great, just another story to tell….

I decide to look on the internet and stumbled across Keith Wille on Keith is a treasure hunter/diver/metal detector user from New London, CT and he had some great reviews on the website. So, I sent him a message about my stupidity and he responded almost instantly.

I met him during low tide at the beach today. He was metal detecting on the beach and ventured into the water up to his waist. After about an hour of him finding diamonds, treasure chests and bricks of gold, he had no luck finding my ring. It was football Sunday and I was starting to feel bad for him searching for a crackerjack ring. Soon after that, I figured he was calling it quits because he put his metal detector and shovel down. He looked over to me, reached into his treasure bag and pulled out my ring.

Keith Wille, YOU’RE THE MAN and I want everyone to know. »

– Joseph Carello

 Lost ring in the water? It’s not too late to find it! Jewelry is commonly lost while swimming. Don’t waste your time with a metal detector rental or with a local hobbyist, have a professional member of The Ring Finders find you lost ring or jewelry. I serve Connecticut, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and short distances into other surrounding states. If you lost a piece of jewelry, contact me now through or or call me at 860-917-8947.












Keith Wille’s Media Mentions:

Lost Ring 8 Carats of Diamond and Sapphire Eastern Point Beach, Groton CT… Found!

  • from Stonington (Connecticut, United States)

Wayne’s Barber Shop is a contemporary hotspot with the most attention to detail haircut on the east coast. A loss like this one would be devastating to any atmosphere as cool as this one – finding and returning this ring was an extremely important task. One Sunday evening in late July 2017 I received a message from my friend and owner of Wayne’s Barber Shop, Groton, CT regarding his lost ring with a circa 1910 3¾ carat diamond and 2¼ carat sapphires. He was cooling off in the water at Eastern Point Beach, Groton CT when one of his most sentimental pieces of jewelry dropped into the waist-deep water. It took a minute for the reality of losing his ring to sink in. After desperately searching by hand while at the same time trying to avoid drawing the attention of the other beachgoers, he realized the ring was lost. Thinking quickly, he didn’t want to lose the location of the lost ring so he used his foot to mark a line as he exited the water into the dry sand. Getting back to the beach chair, he immediately contacted a couple of different people. He contacted me, sent a message to his brother (who had a mask and snorkel) and he even contacted the ring designer, Mystic Gem Company of Mystic CT.  Within the hour we were all standing on the beach together discussing the details of how this very special diamond and sapphire ring was lost. His location on the beach where he entered the water was marked by his line in the sand and the distance off the beach was noted by his memory of the waist-deep water. We determined the tide was going out so the lost ring would be in shallower water at this point. He waited patiently on the beach as his brother finished up the snorkel and mask search and I began searching with a metal detector. With an eager crowd starting to form on the beach, the pressure was on as I retrieved bottle caps, pull tabs, and other items discarded by past beachgoers. After 20 minutes of searching, I pulled a scoop of rocks from the knee-deep water and gently dumped it onto the beach. Someone yelled, “there it is!” I’ve seen a lot of rings, but the ring that rolled out of my scoop this time was the most stunning piece of jewelry I’d ever seen. Another lost ring found and reunited with its owner!

Lost a piece of jewelry on the beach? Lost a ring in the tidal area where the water level changes throughout the day? If a ring is lost in the surf, use a physical reference to mark two key points: mark the location along the beach and mark the distance out into the water from the beach. Jewelry is commonly lost during our favorite summertime activities. Don’t waste your time with a metal detector rental or with a local hobbyist, have a professional member of The Ring Finders find you lost ring or jewelry. If you lost a piece of jewelry, contact me now through or or call/text 860-917-8947.












Keith Wille’s Media Mentions: