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Platinum Diamond Ring Found in Surf … Capistrano Orange County Beach Park .. San Jaun Capistrano, CA.

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)

Jaimee called me late in the afternoon. Her dilemma was, that her platinum diamond wedding ring had come off her finger in knee deep water while throwing a ball. The tide was coming in and it was going to be a 6.2 ft. high tide. Chances of finding it now would not be good. Most important now was to meet them to pinpoint the location and the circumstances that led to the loss.
When I arrived at Capistrano Orange County Beach Park, Jaimee and her husband Jason met me. They are beach people and she told me she always leaves her rings at home when they go to the beach. This time it slipped her mind.  After losing the ring in the water somebody on the beach suggested they try to find a metal detector. They went online finding me at
The surf was very violent with a quick surging shore break. The tide rises about one foot an hour. It was looking like it would be better to wait till the midnight low tide. I looked at Jaimee’s desperation and thought maybe I should just try now. I went out where the waves were hitting me about waist high. After 15 minutes I decided to give up till later. Then, my first and only signal came into my earphones . It took several attempts with my sand scoop, but I pulled up a scoop full of small cobble rocks. Right on top of the rocks shining at me was Jaimee’s diamond ring. They were watching me and I held back my emotional reaction of finding the ring.
I walked up to Jaimee with the rocks and ring still in my scoop. I told her that I couldn’t search any longer. She agreed, that is when I told her to look in the scoop. No words can express the look on her face or the feelings I saw at that moment. This too, was one of those finds that surprise me just as much as the both of them. That is one of the reasons I say « I’ll Try Anywhere ».. It’s like the lottery, you can’t win if you don’t buy a ticket.. I switch that around to say, « You can’t find it if you don’t turn on your detector and swing it.  »
I love this service, I don’t like to call it a job.. I have had jobs before, but none of them made me feel this good.
