Metal detector rental Carlsbad Tag | The Ring Finders

Carlsbad State beach Metal Detector Lost ring

  • from Carlsbad (California, United States)


The Ring Finders metal detector service helped find and return a lost gold wedding band at Carlsbad State beach. OPEN NOW CALL 760 889 2751

July 5th I received a text from Dale who was at Carlsbad beach TWR 36 on the 4th of July when he noticed his ring had fallen out of a pocket into the sand.The group of six tried sifting through the sand but with no luck.He was already back in L.A but asked if I could help find it for him.Fortunately it was only 7 minutes away so I headed down immediately.

As I walked around I noticed tight Grid lines in the sand EVERY where! Bad news, This means a metal detector Guy was here earlier and the ring is most likely gone!! I text Dale to confirm this was the location hoping I’m at the wrong TWR,He text me back and said yes that’s where I was just south of the tower on the slight slope. 😱 I had to at least scan over the guys grid mark patterns on the slope with hopes he missed it…On my 2nd pass back I get a signal 4-5” down then out popped a white Gold Ring..right in the Detectorist’s tracks!

I text Dale that I have found a ring then sent him the photo. He was at work when he got the pic and jumped out of his seat in excitement & shock.He text me he actually had to explain to his co-workers what happened and they were all amazed!

A few days later I met Dale and Brenda at Tamarack beach.The smiles lit up and they were very grateful to have this precious wedding back at last.

Thank you for the kind reward!




La Jolla Metal Detector found Lost ring

  • from Carlsbad (California, United States)



TheRingFinders Metal Detector Service helped find a Lost wedding Band at Windansea beach in La Jolla. OPEN NOW
CALL ; Curtis Cox at 760 889 2751


On 4th of July,2018 I noticed an email about a lost wedding ring at Windansea beach below the La Jolla cliff during the arising tide. I emailed the wife back that I’m willing to help search for it but will have to wait until low tide early the following morning.
I sent her my cell number so we could communicate quicker plus was able to set up a time to meet Chris who is the husband/Owner of the buried wedding band in the wet sand.

At 6:30am I showed up to the Scene of the Lost Ring nearly 30 min early cause I expected lots of traffic but must mention that the other enthusiasts Detector Guys are at many beaches searching for what they claim as “Treasures” this time of year on 4th of July.

Fortunately when I met Chris there was no sign of beach combers and the spot he showed me where the ring dropped out of a pocket was Virgin grounds with zero drag marks or holes.

Chris did also have an accurate/descriptive area where the ring could be buried so I started in a standard grid pattern search dragging my sand scoop up & down the zone when I heard a deep target nearly 7-10” down then WARNED him this could be just a bottle cap or such trash?? Though,,also could be your ring?? After I got it out of the 3rd scoop on to the towel line I heard a hole in the center of it indicating a ring on my machine while knowingly,,I shook the scoop out uncovering Chris’s Lost wedding ring as he watched! ((Boom)). Chris was electrifyied and I was extatic. I am still amazed after 5 years of returning such precious metals that this gets me excited as much as anyone else,Like as if it’s my first ring return .😇 Much to yearn for there is!

I have many types of special metal detectors for each scenario with over a decade in use but these searches do rely vastly on the timing of the Calls/Tides/Surf conditions/Beach sifting machines/Local beach combers..etc.

However good karma and Knowledge is of my TOP  best equipments for recovering your lost sentimental Item.There is a great chance I can reunite you with your Wedding Ring. Timing is of the essence.

Tags; Camp Pendleton,Oceanside,Carlsbad,La costa,Encinitas,Cardiff beach,Solana Beach,Del Mar,Torrey Pines,La Jolla,Mission beach,San diego


Carlsbad Metal Detector Finds Lost ring

  • from Carlsbad (California, United States)


TheRingFinders Metal Detector Service helped find and return a lost wedding ring at a Special Carlsbad beach. OPEN NOW 24/7 Call 760 889 2751

Sunday July 1st,I received a text before midnight from Jason who had just noticed his ring was missing and asked if I could help him find it at the beach?
We agreed to meet at 6am the next morning. Normally,I Immediately go at the drop of the Hat but this particular location is illegal to park at from 11pm-sunrise plus I rarely see metal detector guys or hobbyists also known as“Beach Combers” Cleaning this piece full Local surf spot.

I went back to sleep with one eye open when my alarm woke me up 4.5 hrs later…
I met Jason at the scene of the lost ring then we walked down to where he had his Platinum wedding ring of over 20 years fall out of the chair cup holder. Fortunately Jason remembered the exact location.So I turned on My Metal Detector then got a consistent beep on the first sweep,,Not even 1 step into performing a professional grid pattern hunt when out came his precious ring buried in the sand…less than just 5 seconds of Detecting.

The force was strong with this search!

Jason had the same shell shocked look as I did after Pulling it out of the sand scoop shovel! Amazed as well as I was because knowing some searches can take hours,Days or weeks?

Then the standard question popped up afterwards of payment or reward?? No worries to any call I get,I enjoy what I do & do not Demand a charge for my service!

I work on a reward basis and often give out my address or info so that people can send any gratitude they feel necessary later.No dollar is ever needed upfront to help out at anyone on the Local San Diego beaches!

Tags; Camp Pendleton,Oceanside,Carlsbad,La costa,Encinitas,Solana Beach,Del mar,Torrey Pines,La Jolla shores,Mission Beach.San diego Metal Detector Service.