Metal Detecting Service Myrtle Beach SC Tag | The Ring Finders

2023 Augusta University (AU) Class Ring Lost, Found and Returned Myrtle Beach SC

  • from North Myrtle Beach (South Carolina, United States)

This adventure started while I was in the process of finding three lost rings in the dry sand on May 30th in Myrtle Beach SC.  While looking for the three rings, I got a great high signal in the dry sand. Thinking I had one of the three rings I dug it up. To my surprise it was a beautiful 2023 Augusta University Class Ring. I knew it wasn’t one of the three, but I showed it to the parents of the owner of the three rings. They verified that it was not one of the three I was looking for. Shortly after finding the class ring, I found the three rings I was looking for and returned them to the parents.

Now comes the hard part in trying to find the owner. My wife is a huge help proofreading my stories and fixing my pictures, she’s also a wizard on social media. I sent her the name engraved inside the class ring and before I got home, she texted me the probable owner she found on LinkedIn. Neither Face Book nor Instagram had any matches. I attempted to send the owner, Sean a text but LinkedIn requires you be a member to communicate with someone. I finally contacted Augusta University, Registrar’s office and talked with a very nice lady, Katie. Katie said if I would e-mail the Registrar office, they would forward the e-mail to Sean’s last known contact information they had on file. I sent the e-mail and waited. After three days I called Katie back and she said my e-mail hadn’t come through. So, I sent a 2nd e-mail making sure I spelled Registrar correctly, left off an ‘r’ the first time. Called Katie back and she said it came through and she just forwarded it on to Sean as well as called and left a message. Fast forward two days to June 7th, I woke up to a text message saying “Hi Jim Wren! This is Sean; I heard you found my ring? Thank you so much for contacting the registrar’s office.” I asked him to verify the two engravings he had in the ring and Bingo, he nailed it, so I knew I had the right guy. I got his address in Oklahoma and his ring was heading home.

Today, June 11th, I received a text from Sean with the picture of him holding his ring. He also told me the back story of how he lost his ring. He said that he and his friends were playing games at Myrtle Beach and when they headed back to their hotel during the evening, he realized his class ring was gone! He said, “I put it by his shirt and when we were packing everything up and heading back it must have slipped out. The entire group of friends combed the entire 100-foot area where their tent was set up on the beach but to no avail.”

Sean – So glad I was able to track you down and get your treasure back where it belongs. I wish you the best of luck in all your future endeavors.



3 Rings Lost in the Dry Sand, Found and Returned Myrtle Beach SC

  • from North Myrtle Beach (South Carolina, United States)

It was close to 9:30 am on Friday, May 31st when I received a call from Roz saying her son, Michael had lost 3 rings in the dry sand the day before. She had me on speaker and both her and her husband, Len was answering my questions. They said they were sitting in the dry sand when a wave came up and covered their area. They pulled their towels and bags back to dryer sand and in the process Michael’s rings fell out of the bag. I told them I could be there in about an hour and to send me the Resort’s address.

When I got there, I met Roz and Len on the beach, and they showed me an area about 10’X20’. I turned the Nox on and went to work. I was doing a north/south grid search and was running outside the area Len had pointed out. I finally got a great signal and dug out a 2023 Augusta University class ring, which I’m trying to find the owner of. So, at this point I started an east/west grid search north of the original area. On my second line I hit a solid silver target, 2 of Michael’s rings were silver. Dug out the target and both Roz and Len identified it as Michael’s. A couple of steps and I hit and recovered another silver ring belonging to Michael. Another swing and I found Michael’s 3rd Ring. Roz called Michael and told him the good news. Michael thanked me and we hung up. A few minutes later Roz received a text from Michael saying, “I was in a shared uber and the guy next to me was sleeping so I had to curb my excitement and not be too loud but definitely much thanks to the veteran who found the rings with 2 praying hand emojis.”

Roz and Len – Thank you for calling and trusting me to help find Michael’s rings. Have a safe trip back home.



Grandmother’s Silver Ring Lost in the Sand, Found and Returned Myrtle Beach SC

  • from North Myrtle Beach (South Carolina, United States)

George called me saying his daughter, Anna’s friend, Karsen, had lost a ring in the dry sand and was wondering if I could help find it. George told me they were in Myrtle Beach, so I needed to contact Matt Fry, the TRF for Myrtle Beach, since this was his area. I tried calling Matt, both at his shop and his cell phone a few times each, and wasn’t getting any response. I called George back and got the address of the resort they were at and told him I was on my way.

I met George on the beach, and he explained that Karsen had taken her 3 rings off and put them on a towel. Unknowingly, Anna picked up the towel, as they were leaving, and the rings were tossed into the sand. They were able to find 2 of the rings, but couldn’t find the ring that was Karsen’s grandmothers. After about an hour of searching, George was talking to one of the lifeguards who mentioned that there was someone that would come out and help find the ring. The lifeguard couldn’t remember the name, so George started searching Google and found my website. Once George pointed out the area, I turned my machine on and within a couple of minutes I got a strong 17 on my Equinox. I dug a small scoop of sand and saw the tiny silver ring on top of the sand in the scoop. I handed the ring to George, who called Anna telling them to come back down to the beach from the resort. Within minutes Karsen was on the beach with her ring back where it belonged.

George, thank you for trusting me to help find Karsen’s ring, and have a great rest of your vacation.



Man’s 10K White Gold Wedding Band lost in Myrtle Beach SC, Found and Returned

  • from North Myrtle Beach (South Carolina, United States)

This ring recovery started after a morning recovery, and a leisurely afternoon of walking the beach swinging my metal detector. Shortly after I got home and changed clothes, I received a call from a number that showed Toronto, Ontario Canada so I was sure it was a lost ring call. When I answered, Andrew asked if it was possible to find a ring that was lost the day before in the dry sand. I assured him we had a great chance of finding it, got the details and address of the resort, and was on my way. The Myrtle Beach area is Matt Fry’s area, but I knew he wasn’t available so I took the call. I know he’s going to be upset, not that I took the call, but because it was an easy recovery, which most of his calls lately have been in waist or deeper water at low tide. Thanks Matt!

I called Andrew when I pulled into the parking lot telling him I was there, he said he’d be right down. He and his wife Kristin were on the beach in minutes and showed me an area that was maybe, 10 ft X 15 ft. I had asked him what type of metal the ring was made of and he wasn’t sure whether it was Silver or White Gold. This really wasn’t a problem because I had the Equinox 800 and I knew if the ring was Silver, the machine would give me mid 20 numbers. If the ring was White Gold, I’d get low to mid teen numbers. The mid teen numbers are also nickels, pull tabs, and bottle caps so I had to dig everything close to the 11-13 number I was looking for. The story was that Andrew had taken his ring off and put it on a boogey board that was sitting next to them in the dry sand. Shortly afterwards, someone picked up the board and the ring took flight. I started my east/west grid working my way south and finding plenty of bottle caps but no ring. I did about 6 or 7 grid lines and was running out of real estate so I turned around and went back to my first line and took a step to the north of that line. Boom! Three steps on that grid line and I got a solid 12 on the detector. I was positive I had his “White Gold” ring. Dug a scoop, shook the sand, and Bingo! As I let him get his ring out of the scoop, I said, “You’re ring’s not Silver.” He identified his ring, looked at the stamp inside the ring and said, “It does say 10K.” Irrelevant of what it is or isn’t, it’s definitely his ring and back on his finger where it belongs. Another happy ending with big thank yous from both Andrew and Kristin.

Andrew and Kristin – thank you for allowing me to help find your lost ring. Enjoy the rest of your vacation and have a safe trip home.



14K Gold Mother’s Ring Lost in the Surf, Found and Returned Myrtle Beach SC

  • from North Myrtle Beach (South Carolina, United States)

Two hours from home after a week long vacation I get a phone call from Don H. asking if I could help find his wife Diane’s Mothers ring that she lost around 8pm the night before. The connection wasn’t very good so I told him I’d call him back around 2pm and would be there between 4 and 5pm. During our broken conversation I thought he gave me the name of a resort that it was in North Myrtle Beach, however when we talked at 2 he said the resort was in Myrtle Beach. I got all the details from Don and called Matt Fry (TRF Myrtle Beach) not sure whether he was still out of town or not. During Don’s and my conversation he told me that his wife lost her ring between 9 and 9:20pm not at 8 like he originally said so I needed to leave home within about 20 minutes to catch the tide. When I called Matt he didn’t answer so I assumed he was still out of town and left. I was within 15 minutes of arriving at the resort when Matt called back, saying he was in town but to go ahead and take it.

I arrived in the parking lot and Don showed up shortly afterwards to show me the exact area. Don also explained that they were down from Minnesota for the Myrtle Beach annual cheerleading competition with one of their daughters and they all needed to be at the convention center. I worked it out with Don that I’d surprise Diane and that when I found her ring, I’d text him with a picture and then deliver it the convention center.  When I walked out on the beach it was packed with tourist and needless to say I had an audience watching me search. About 4 gridlines and calf deep in the water I got a strong 46-47 on my AT Pro along with a few other junk tones. Luckily I got the ring in the first scoop, dumped it out on the sand and immediately saw the gold. I texted Don with a picture and he immediately replied with a 100% it’s hers!! I’m not sure what Don told Diane to get her out front away from her cheerleaders but she didn’t look happy when I introduced myself. I think he told her I bumped their car in the parking lot. But I told Diane that Don had told me that she had lost her Mothers ring and if she could describe it that it would help me know what I was looking for. As she finished with her description, I held up her ring and said « Does it look something like this? » Her expression was priceless, there were a few tears of joy and the hugs were strong and sincere. She had to make a quick exit to get back to the girls but she was one happy lady!!! It just doesn’t get any better than this.

Don and Diane, thank you for trusting in me to help find your lost treasure and thank you for the very generous reward. Have a safe trip home!!!


Diane Howard Diane's Mother's ring