#lostringOrmondbeach Tag | The Ring Finders

Lost – Men’s Gold wedding band, DeLand, FL – FOUND!!!

  • from New Smyrna Beach (Florida, United States)

Sunday evening, I got a text from Ron. He was working in his backyard and had lost his gold wedding ring.  Since it was on his property, we agreed to meet in the morning to look for it.

I arrived at Ron’s home, where beautiful oak trees, adorned with Spanish moss, dotted the property.  Ron took me to the back of the lot and showed me an area with some planting beds adjacent to a fence and storage area.  He said he felt it fly but searched and raked to no avail.

I fired up the Minelab Manticore and started the search at the East end of the planting beds.  There were lots of targets, so I decide to walk and cover the entire area without investigating any of the hits.  As I got between the West of the planting bed and the storage area…something caught my eye!  I was looking at the twinkling of the gold ring in the sun.

This ring representing twenty-six years of marriage was a sight find!  I gave the ring to the happy owner!  God is good.

Edward Duffey, member, Theringfinders.com

If you’ve lost a ring or other valuable item anywhere in Central Florida, call Detector Ed (https://www.facebook.com/lostringdaytona) at 757-419-0299 for the best chance of having it safely returned to you!  Maybe a class ring lost in your backyard years ago…there still may be hope of finding it…give me a call!

Lost – Men’s 14kt Gold Wedding Band, Daytona Beach, Fl – FOUND!!!

  • from New Smyrna Beach (Florida, United States)

Early Friday morning, I got a text from Clay. He was in town for the Daytona races and had played a round of golf the day before. Sometime between the first and fourth hole, his 14-karat gold wedding ring had slipped out of his pocket and vanished.  Only married three months, he did not tell his new bride Maddie.

I told him that when it comes to lost items, time is of the essence. We agreed to meet up soon after. I grabbed my Minelab Manticore and pinpointer, loaded them into my vehicle, and headed out. As I drove, I silently prayed that God would guide me to Clay’s ring.

We met at the clubhouse and began retracing his steps, methodically checking each spot where he had parked and every tee box where he had played. We even scanned the exact areas where he had taken his shots. But after thoroughly combing through it all…no ring. Not willing to give up, we decided to backtrack from the third hole to the first, making sure to stay clear of the golfers still on the course.

At one point, Clay suggested, do you mind walking from here? I’ll head to the third hole and work my way toward you. That way, we can check along the path my golf cart took, just in case the ring slipped out while I was driving.

I said, sounds like a plan, and we split up.

I had just finished searching near the second tee box and was making my way toward the third hole along the edge of the cart path when my detector gave a strong, promising signal. I bent down, brushed aside the grass, and there it was gleaming in the sunlight, half-hidden but unmistakable. Clay’s beautiful gold wedding ring, waiting to be found.  God is good!







Lost – Men’s White Gold, Diamond Wedding Ring, Oviedo, Florida – FOUND!!

  • from New Smyrna Beach (Florida, United States)

I received a call from Neil after he called theringfinders.com.  He was distraught after losing his white gold diamond wedding ring. As I was leaving the beach in Daytona, I told him I could be at his home in about two hours after a quick stop at mine. I prayed earnestly for guidance to help me find his ring.

When I arrived at Neil’s home in Oviedo, he took me to his front yard and explained that he had been playing with a dog when the ring went missing. He had checked his doorbell camera, which showed the ring at one point, but later, when he noticed it was gone, he was heartbroken—especially after fifteen years of wearing it.

I powered up my Minelab Manticore and began my search, covering the front yard and some hedges near the porch. I found several targets typical for a residential area, despite my efforts, the ring eluded me. After an hour of searching, I decided to switch to a smaller coil to navigate tighter spots and minimize background noise.

Starting at the edge of the grass by the driveway, I made my way to the sidewalk. Suddenly, I got a strong signal right at the sidewalk’s edge! As I set down my pinpointer, it sounded off, and to my amazement, a beautiful diamond ring rolled out from beneath a clump of grass, glimmering in the sunlight.

Neil was checking his phone for footage from the door camera when I held the ring up between us, saying, “I have a few more questions…” He looked up just in time to see the ring shining in my hand. His eyes widened in disbelief, and joy flooded his expression as I handed it back to him.

Lost – Ladies Heirloom Platinum Wedding Ring, Orlando, Fl – FOUND!!

  • from New Smyrna Beach (Florida, United States)

I contacted Susan about a call about a lost platinum ring.  She said she had lost it a week ago Monday, when staying at a friend’s home in Orlando, during the hurricane.  Since we both live in New Smyrna we decided to ride over together.  On the trip she told me that it was the only item that she has from her grandmother, which made it very dear.

When we arrived, I noticed a boxwood shrub circling the drive.  This is where Susan said the ring was lost as she unloaded her car.  The shrub was about 18 inches high with red rock in front and behind with other rows of higher shrubs behind that.

I spent the next two hours going over the hedge with my Manticore with the small head.  I also covered in front and behind the hedge in the red rocks.  There were lots of targets, but they were deep and not likely the ring.  After a few hours I told Susan that I had covered everything I could think of, and we went home.  Susan was devastated and said at least the ring had a gorgeous place to rest.

The next day I had an appointment to find another ring only 2.5 miles from Susan’s ring.  I found it fast and texted the friend of Susan, to see if I could try again.  I prayed on my way.  I thought of an unconventional way to detect the short shrubs…It worked!  I got a low but solid signal.  Digging past the green, deep into the dead sticks and leaves with my pinpointer, it sounded off.  Nestled in the leaves and sticks was the ring with its brilliant platinum shine!

I text Susan a picture of the ring and she called me.  She was beyond excited.  When I took the ring to my home, I found the engraving L. N. to A. R. S.  9/15/20…the ring was over 100 years old!  Susan came to get the ring the next day…many tears of joy!

I’d like to thank my good friend and Christian brother for trusting me with this call while he was out of town.

Lost – Men’s Black Tungsten Wedding Band, Orlando, Fl – FOUND!!!

  • from New Smyrna Beach (Florida, United States)

Hurricane Milton ravaged Central Florida, coming in on the west coast and continuing across the state with torrential rain and destructive winds.  Don was out in his back yard cleaning up debris.  As he shook his hand after picking up leaves and muck, he felt his ring fly.

He looked and looked but knew with all the downed limbs and leaves…he needed help to find his wedding ring.  He found theringfinders.com com and gave them a call.  When I first contacted Don, I was out of town but arranged to meet him on Monday.

When I arrived at the Orlando home, Don led me to the back of his property, behind the pool and in a very dense part the yard with all types of tropical plants.  He explained how he lost the ring and had looked extensively.

I grabbed my Minelab Maticore with the small coil and headed for the back.  As I approached the area, I started getting hits from targets.  Sometimes back yards can be tough.  But as I got to the area, he lost the ring.  There was only one large, clear hit.   I dug through the sticks and leaves, and the ring popped out near the sand on the bottom of the pile.

It turned out to be a very short hunt and Don was elated to have his wedding ring back.  Another theringfinder.com happy customer.



  • from New Smyrna Beach (Florida, United States)

Monday around 6pm, I had just returned from the beach when I got a call from Muru. He explained that he and his wife Courtney had been to the beach on Saturday, and he had lost his 10k white gold wedding ring. He said that his wife Courtney found me on the internet and wanted to know if I could look for the ring.

He told me that he had lost it in shallow water and at the steps leading down from the parking meter. I decided to go right back to the beach right away to search. I fired up the Manticore and did an extensive grid search. I checked both dry sand and water and did not find the ring.

On Tuesday I decided to go back when the tide was at the exact same height as it was when Muru lost the ring. If anything, the ring should be in dry sand since on Saturday the surf was up due to a passing storm. In addition, Muru had sent me an image and he was North of most of my efforts Monday.

I started a slow and methodical search. Twenty minutes into the search I got a strong gold-like hit. I dug the target and the shine of the ring shown out of the clump of sand. The ring that was lost was found and given back to Muru and his family later that day.

Edward Duffey, member, Theringfinders.com

If you’ve lost a ring or other valuable item in the Daytona Beach, New Smyrna, Ormond, DeLand area, call Detector Ed (https://www.facebook.com/lostringdaytona) at 757-419-0299 for the best chance of having it safely returned to you!  Maybe a class ring lost in your backyard years ago…there still may be hope of finding it…give me a call.

Lost – Lady’s Custom Diamond Wedding Set, New Smyrna Beach, FL – FOUND!!!

  • from New Smyrna Beach (Florida, United States)

Late Friday evening, I received a text from Lindsay, who said she had lost her wedding ring at New Smyrna Beach. She and her family had spent the day there, and she had placed her ring in the pocket of her shorts. Shortly after, she realized it was missing—it could have been on the beach or in the water.  I replied to her text and told her to call me with the details anytime.

Early the next morning, I arrived at daybreak, just after low tide.  As I made my way to the beach, a lady noticed my equipment and cheerfully said, “Happy treasure hunting!” I replied, “I’m actually searching for something someone lost.” She responded kindly, “Then I’ll say a prayer to St. Anthony.” I thanked her and got to work.

Lindsay had sent pictures to help pinpoint the area. I quickly covered all the dry sand and the area leading down to the water. As the tide started to rise and the surf grew more active, I decided to come back at the next low tide, this time with my friend, Brian.

When we returned, a massive storm had just passed. We wasted no time getting back to the search. Brian used his XP Deus 2, while I had my Minelab Manticore. We methodically swept the same area I had focused on earlier. As the storm intensified and lightning flashed around us, I headed north. Just then, Brian, with a hopeful tone, said, “Ok, St. Anthony, what do you have for me?”

Almost immediately, he got a hit—it was the ring! I quickly texted Lindsay pictures of the find and followed up with a call. Her joyous shouts echoed through the phone. Soon after, the beautiful ring was back in her hands, where it belonged

Edward Duffey, member, Theringfinders.com

If you’ve lost a ring or other valuable item in the Daytona Beach, New Smyrna, Ormond, DeLand area, call Detector Ed (https://www.facebook.com/lostringdaytona) at 757-419-0299 for the best chance of having it safely returned to you!  Maybe a class ring lost in your backyard years ago…there still may be hope of finding it…give me a call.

Lost – Men’s Silver Tungsten Diamond Wedding Band, Ormond Beach, Fl – FOUND!!!

  • from New Smyrna Beach (Florida, United States)

Josh and Brittany were staying in Lotus Boutique Inn and Suites in Ormond Beach, Florida.  Josh threw a football and immediately felt his ring fly off.  They searched and searched in and around the pool with no luck.  They thought the ring may have flown out into the powder dry sand on the beach just outside the pool, so they contacted Wes Wade who is President of the local Daytona Dig and Find Metal Detecting Club.  Wes posted it online on July 15th.

I had just finished detecting in North Daytona and thought, “I haven’t heard of anyone finding that ring at Lotus and it was only about 3 miles north, so I thought I’d go check it out.

I located the venue and began a large sweep about 5 foot wide near the seawall.  Nothing!  I saw marks where it appeared someone had gridded it off.  I decided to do another sweep of about 6 feet wide.  Nothing but some trash items.  I finally decide to do another sweep of about 6 feet.

In the middle, near the steps I got a good hit.  But it was a 60 and sounded like a penny.  I dug it and it was an older copper penny.  When I went to cover the hole, something caught my eye.  It was the diamonds of the ring that I was looking for on the outer edge of the hole.

I contacted Wes, who gave me the information and arranged for Josh to pick up his ring.  Tears and happiness were evident when I called them…they picked it up a few days later.

Edward Duffey, member, Theringfinders.com

If you’ve lost a ring or other valuable item in the Daytona Beach, New Smyrna, Ormond, DeLand area, call Detector Ed (https://www.facebook.com/lostringdaytona) at 757-419-0299 for the best chance of having it safely returned to you!  Maybe a class ring lost in your backyard years ago…there still may be hope of finding it…give me a call.


Lost – Men’s Gold Wedding Band w/diamonds, PALM COAST, FL – FOUND!!!

  • from New Smyrna Beach (Florida, United States)

Tom had been in his backyard and lost his gold wedding band.  He thought he knew the exact area or at least within 6 or 8 feet.  It is about a 45-minute drive from my home.  Since it was so late in the day, and it was safe in his backyard, we decided that I would drive up the next morning.

On the drive up on Saturday, I talked with God about the ring and what it meant to Tom and his wife.  Tom told me he had the ring for 35 years and didn’t really want to lose it now.  I asked for His help.

I arrived at Tom’s home, and he took me to the back.  The thick Saint Augustine grass was beautiful.  I fired up the Minelab Manticore and got a hit immediately…it was a sprinkler head.

My second target was better.  Digging around with my fingers revealed nothing.  I got out my Minelab Pro-find (which is something like the wands they use in airports) and got a hit.  I saw the gold and diamonds shining nearly six inches below tangled in the roots of the grass!  Beautiful!  Tom and his ring were reunited.

If you’ve lost a ring or other valuable item in the Daytona Beach, New Smyrna, Ormond, DeLand area, call Detector Ed (https://www.facebook.com/lostringdaytona) at 757-419-0299 for the best chance of having it safely returned to you!  Maybe a class ring lost in your backyard years ago…there still may be hope of finding it…give me a call.

Lost – White Gold Diamond Engagement Ring – Ponce Inlet, FL – FOUND!!!

  • from New Smyrna Beach (Florida, United States)

If you’ve lost a ring or other valuable item in the Daytona Beach, New Smyrna, Ormond area, call Ed at 757-419-0299 for the best chance of having it safely returned to you!  Maybe a class ring lost in your back yard years ago…there still may be hope of finding it…give me a call.

On Father’s Day, my wife Myrna and I were planning to go to her cousin’s home, in DeLand, for a family dinner.  She was getting ready, while I was tending to my pulled calf muscle; injured not-so gracefully entering the pool in a typical, “this is how we use to do cannon balls,” splash.

Just then, I got a text from Abbey.  She said that she was at Ponce Inlet, (just south of Daytona Beach) and had lost her diamond engagement ring in the sand.  I knew that this recovery could be challenging if I had to walk much, but I was determined.

When I got to the beach, I met Abbey and her husband Tyler, and their baby boy Banks.  They had sectioned off a large square of sand where they had found the wedding ring but not the engagement ring.  I could also see lots of hand, finger and scraping marks from their search.  I assured them that if the ring was there, I would find it.

I fired up the Minelab Manticore and began the search.  I got a faint hit outside of the area but continued to the large square and began scanning.  No targets.  I asked them if it could be anywhere else or in the water and they replied, no.  I went back to the initial hit.  It was stronger.  As I dug through the sand, deeper than expected, the sunlight hit the diamonds of the gorgeous ring.

Happy Father’s Day Tyler!!  Hugs all around!  Tyler, Abbey and even the guy in the vehicle south of them came over and gave me a hug!  God is good!