Lost ring South Jersey Tag | The Ring Finders

Ocean City NJ Lost Wedding Band Found In The Ocean by Ring Finders South Jersey John Favano

  • from North Wildwood (New Jersey, United States)
Lost a ring in Ocean City, NJ?
Don’t wait call!
Call now!
Chris and Hollie were savoring a perfect day at the beach in Ocean City, NJ. They had spent the day soaking up the warm sun, cooling off with a refreshing swim. But when Chris dove into a wave, his wedding band slipped off his finger and vanished into the churning water.
The next morning, Chris called me. Could I help him find his lost ring? I got the details and made my way to the beach, arriving just as the tide was going out. Chris and Hollie were waiting anxiously, but trying to stay positive as they got ice cream and settled in to watch me search.
The water was waist-deep and murky, with a strong current that made it hard to walk. I moved slowly and methodically, scanning the ocean floor as I went. About 25 minutes later my metal detector buzzed. I scooped down and saw the ring in the scoop!
I emerged from the water, walking back to where they were sitting. Chris and Hollie were overjoyed, their faces lighting up with relief and happiness. Finding the ring was the perfect way to end their day at the beach in Ocean City, NJ.

Lost Ring in Haddon Twp NJ Found by Dave Milsted

  • from South Jersey (New Jersey, United States)








Eric reached out to me via email. He’d been in a rush to take down his Christmas decorations before an incoming snowstorm and, in the process, had lost his yellow gold wedding ring. We arranged to meet after his workday ended.

Upon arrival, Eric showed me the area where he’d been working. The search area, blanketed by about three inches of snow, wasn’t very large. He mentioned he needed to pick up his daughter from school but would return in about ten minutes.

As soon as Eric and his wife left, I began my search. Just a minute later, my detector gave a strong signal in the gold range. I brushed away the snow, and there it was—Eric’s gleaming yellow-gold wedding ring. I snapped a few photos and waited for their return.

When I saw them approaching, I pretended to still be searching. Eric’s wife got out of the car first, and I quietly asked her to wait a moment. Eric followed and said, « I guess you haven’t had any luck. » I asked if he recalled shaking his hands or doing anything that might have flung the ring beyond the immediate area. He didn’t. While he scanned the lawn, I revealed the ring from my gloved hand. His wife noticed first, and her surprised smile was wonderful to see. Eric’s reaction was even better.

They were both overjoyed. His wife was particularly thrilled, exclaiming, « This is great! Now I can finally get that dining room carpet and not have to buy him a new ring! »

I love my hobby!

Throwing A Ball = Lost Ring in Cherry Hill NJ – Found by Dave Milsted

  • from South Jersey (New Jersey, United States)








Katie called me after someone on FaceBook recommended me, thank you to whoever that was. She was in her backyard throwing a ball when she lost her engagement ring. She searched for days with no luck. Then she resorted to social media. 

Friday was the day I could search, so we set up a date. Katie couldn’t be there but her mom would be. Katie describe to me over text messages where she was in the yard and in what direction she was throwing the ball.

I started near the middle of the tear and did a grid pattern in the north direction. I was getting a few deeper targets and just passed them by. About 20 minutes into the search I got a good signal in the range that small gold rings should be. I pulled back the ring and there was the ring I was looking for. It looked like it was stepped on and it was embedded in the mud, sideways. 

When I showed Katie’s mom she couldn’t believe it. She said Katie would be so happy. 

I Love My Hobby!!