lost my ring in lake detroit michigan Tag | The Ring Finders

Lost Tungsten Ring Underwater Found in White Lake Michigan

  • from Detroit (Michigan, United States)


…. with his lost wedding ring was all that was on Kyle’s mind the past week after it fell off in the water while stopping near a small island in White Lake to throw a football around with his son. Slipping on sharp rocks had them back in the boat fast but without the ring. Once I was in the chest deep water with my metal detector and snorkel mask, I started to grid search the area Kyle remember being. I too encountered sharp, slippery rocks and stirred up murky water. Sweeping the coil over the bumpy bottom I finally got a good metal signal. Holding my breath for a few seconds I reached down near a chunky rock and dislodging it I felt a circular shape in my fingers. Pulling it to the surface revealed Kyle’s ring! His friend with the boat spotted me holding it first and started yelling. Kyle whirled around in shock that his ring was found! Back in the boat I asked what’s better than a perfect union between a man and wife? A Reunion!……soon in the making!



Lost Titanium Ring Found in Livonia Michigan

Planted !

As the holiday approached, Peter was anxious to begin his landscaping project so he could be done in time to have a nice relaxing day. Moving quickly thru the tasks he was thrilled when completed. Putting the tools away he noticed his ring was missing. Since he had been to a few stores and was working all over the yard he wondered where could it be? Seeds of doubt started to take root. Not beating around the bush, I started to grid search where Peter best remembered where he had the ring on. My MXT metal detector was quiet as it scanned over the new mulch beds, berms and the flower areas. Near 2 thick and deep-rooted plants at the edge of a tall berm, the metal detector gave me that everything’s coming up roses sound. Digging down a bit my pin pointer vibrated as I got near the metal. Feeling thru the dirt revealed a handsome titanium ring! Handing it to him I said that this form of titanium probably wouldn’t help these plants! After a few laughs, Peter was thrilled that this issue was nipped in the bud and now he can take the time to stop and smell the roses.
