Necklace lost in lake, Metal Detector near me, Egg Harbor City NJ, recovered by Edward Trapper, NJ Ring Finder
I was on the road heading home from a recovery, when I saw a message come across from Alan. He lost a very sentimental gold charm, on the volleyball court the day before and was very interested to see if I would be able to locate it with my metal detector. He told me it was a private location, and with that I knew I had some time before I had to get to his recovery. I asked him to give me a call later on in the evening and I would see what other calls I had in that area and try to schedule them together. As it turns out, I was heading up to that area the next morning and told Alan I would do his recovery right after I finished the first one I had already scheduled . I got all the details I needed, as he was 95% sure the Charm was on the volleyball court. Once I got there I made a couple of paths along the one side of the court, when I got a sweet tone from my metal detector, and sure enough, it turned out to be his charm. I sent Alan a picture, which he could not believe that I was able to locate it. He was not in the area anymore, so he requested that I leave the charm with the homeowner. Alan requested to withhold his picture, and I fully understand , some people just don’t want to be on Facebook. Another recovery in the books .
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