Mobile Metal Detecting Service .. Call Stan the Metal Detector Man .. 949-500-2136 .. Email: Stan@metaldetectorman.com
… We had snow in the mountains of Southern California. When that happens many who reside in the city make a run to the nearby mountains. The first day of the snow, Linda was able to take her kids to Mt.Baldy which is an easy drive. After taking photos of her girls she put her iPhone 13 in her jacket pocket. Later that afternoon while it was snowing heavily, she realized the phone was missing.
She was sure the phone was in the soft powered snow but the area was probably 50’x50’ area. It was snow hard on that Thursday afternoon so they had to get down the mountain before the snow was too hazardous to drive. Linda and her friend returned Saturday with shovels and couldn’t find the iPhone. Celphone service is non existent at that 6000ft. elevation, making it impossible to use the find my iPhone app. They were again unsuccessful at finding the lost phone.
Linda called me Saturday night asking for help. We agreed that Sunday would be crazy busy with cars and people in the area of the loss. We had set up Monday morning to meet in the spot where the loss occurred. We carefully coordinated the time and place to meet because there is zero celphone reception there.
I arrived 20 minutes before Linda and her friend, Arizona arrived. The snow had melted and frozen over the last two days. It was about 2 ft. deep and the top 12 “ was solid like an iceberg. Not very encouraging for easy digging. As it turned out Linda’s friend had purchased a inexpensive metal detector at a Walmart. He had no idea how to use it. I took a couple minutes to show him how to set it up. Then we both took a section of the area to scan. Shortly after we started he called me over because he had a signal. I put my detector over the spot and immediately knew the size and ID numbers match what had to be a celphone.
He wanted to chip away with a shovel on the hard packed frozen snow. I would not let him. I used a small pick-like tool to patiently scratch the surface till we could remove the phone. (10 plus minutes) We didn’t need to do all this work of two days of searching to damage the phone by carelessly digging. Long story, but there were several unexpected twists that I had to share.. I live at the beach, I know hardly anything about retrieving items lost in the snow. That doesn’t mean we can’t find them, first thing to remember is you can’t find a lost item if you don’t try.
It was a pleasure to meet Linda and her friend Arizona, I am happy to be able to do these searches. Linda was also happy that she found me through TheRingFinders directory of independent metal detectorists.
“I WILL TRY ANYWHERE”… Finding your valuables is important to me .. Call now ! Stan the Metal Detector Man … 949-500-2136