find my ring in backyard Tag | The Ring Finders

Newport Beach Resident Loses Diamond Ring Off Balcony.. Hired Mobile Metal Detecting Expert

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)

Ask a professional metal detector expert to find your valuable keepsake.. I do respect your privacy in your moment of stress .. Call as soon as possible .. Stan the Metal Detector Man .. 949-500-2136

*** Bridget was standing on her patio balcony when she threw some loose leaves over the side. Her wedding ring came off at  the same time going into the ivy ground cover.

Her friends rented a metal detector to help her find the ring. A half day later they gave up and called me. The residence was located just 4 or 5 miles from my home. So I was able to be  mmthere soon after the call.

The search area was medium thick ivy. Did start to clear the grassy are first because it’s a quicker scan process and some people don’t realize how far rings can go, especially on a downhill trajectory.

I went to the ivy next which they had pretty much tore up while doing their search.

The ring showed up only 5 feet off the edge of the balcony at the edge of the ivy and dirt/gravel walkway.. Search time, less than an hour. It could have been faster if I started from the balcony over the ivy and out to the grass.  Happiness for all even the friends that had searched so diligently.

Thanks for reading this . Be sure to let your friends know this service exists..Call for help, even if it’s to ask questions about searching for a lost item.. I WILL TRY ANYWHERE.Stan the Metal Detector Man  949-500-2136..also a member of TheRingFinders

Ring Lost while Gardening found in Glove .. Newport Beach , CA ..

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)

Stan the Metal Detector Man is available to help you find your lost ring or other precious metal jewelry.. Call or text as soon as possible 24/7 .. Also my email is:

… John called me to help him find his gold wedding band. He is sure it was lost while gardening in the backyard the day before. My first question is where is he located. To my surprise he only lives three miles from my home. No need to ask too many questions, only when can he be there to meet me?

If the ring is in the backyard and not in a public area, it is not going anywhere. One exception, #1 .. “do not throw out any trash”. I like to take care of the search as soon as possible, that way I’m available for any other emergency ring searches.

We met that afternoon, John had showed me the trash cans with a few leaves. I would save that for later. He had a very good idea of where the loss occurred. There was an heavy metal fence with a small drainage ditch next to the fence. We had to pull out some loose dirt and pine needles far enough from the metal to detect without metal interference.

John was helping me when he stopped. He said, wait, I feel something as he grabbed his left glove. Right then, I knew that his ring was still in his glove.  I pulled out my cellphone and video taped him retrieving his ring from the glove. It had been in the glove from yesterday’s gardening  We were both on our hands and knees in the dirt of his garden when he discovered the ring in his glove.  Even though he thought he had checked his gloves the day before, he had not checked the gloves thoroughly. It happens all the time, always double check. John is 86 years old and has worn that wedding ring more than 58 years.


Many people don’t understand how a metal detector service works. Feel free to call so we can discuss the possibilities using a professional metal detectorist to help you find your important lost jewelry or any metal item. “I WILL TRY ANYWHERE “ ..  Mobile Metal Detecting available to help you now … 949-500-2136