Glasses recovered SCUBA diving, EZ Cruz Marina, Woodbridge VA by Rob Ellis
I am an expert metal detectorist with the knowledge, skill, and experience to recover your lost items on land and underwater. Please text or call as soon as possible: (703) 598-1435

Recovered By Master SCUBA Instructor Rob Ellis
Found May 16th, 2023
Erik was enjoying the day at EZ Cruz Marina, when a gust of wind took his hat and prescription glasses. With help from his friends, Erik tried using a long-handled net to scoop the glasses. Visibility, rocks, and depth made netting his glasses impossible. Sharon, the manager from EZ-Cruz marina, remembered that I recovered a ring last year and gave Erik my contact information.

A weighted Drop Line for Reference
When Erik called, he told me exactly how and where the glasses entered the water. He even sent me photos with drawings.

Gear Preparation
My divemaster (AKA: my wonderful wife) and I checked in with the marina office. We assessed the conditions and finalized how to conduct the search. We dropped a weighted “down line” from the dock to mark the center of the search area where the glasses fell into the water. The easiest entry was from the shore, with a hundred-yard swim. We attached a safety rope after reviewing tender-diver signals.
Most dock bottoms have a lot of metal debris, so I tethered the detector at the surface for my first search by gentle touch and use of a Garrett Pinpointer.
As I descended into the murky water, I lost all visibility at about 5 feet. I hit bottom at about twelve feet, and it was dark, very dark. Even my flashlight wouldn’t penetrate the murky water. I very carefully used my fingertips and pinpointer with a search pattern using the drop line as a reference. Within just a few minutes, I felt a pair glasses and carefully put them in my bag. There are always a lot of sunglasses around docks, and I wasn’t sure these were Erik’s. I ascended, gave the bag to my wife who compared them to a picture Erik had provided. She told me they were the right ones by signaling me the OK sign.

Manager Sharon from EZ Cruz Marina

Erik Smiling!
We were so glad to return Erik’s glasses. The actual search by touch took less than ten minutes. But the preparation, planning for the search & recovery, and clean-up took several hours. It was worth it to return such a nice young man’s glasses.
Rob Ellis: Metal Detector Expert… Call/text ASAP, (703)-598-1435
Don’t give up. Many of my clients have bought, borrowed, or rented a metal detector before calling me. Just because someone has a tool, it doesn’t mean they know how to use it. I use state of the art equipment, and I have thousands of hours of experience searching on land and underwater. If you have tried using a detector without success, please call to see if I can help.