Ring Lost In Anna Maria Island, Recovered By SRARC

Ring Lost In Anna Maria Island, Recovered By SRARC
Georgia and Scott were visiting from Orlando. They came to see his parents for Memorial Day Weekend. They were all out at Anna Maria island for the day on Sunday and his dad and Scott were tossing the football around in the water. Scott felt the ring come off when he dove to catch the ball. They immediately started looking for it and grabbed some goggles from people nearby but had no luck. They found out about SRARC Ring Finders from a nearby camp and called and emailed in to Howard. They have been married for 1 year as of March 1st so the ring is very special to them and Georgia was very upset Scott had lost it. The next day Mike Schuler, Bill Gallant, Dane Trask, and Mike Miller met them at the beach. After getting instructions the hunters took to the water. In about 30 minutes Dane (on his first hunt with the Ring Finders) found the ring, Scott and Georgia couldn’t believe that we were actually going to find it. They said “They were so nice and helpful. THEY ARE THE BEST!!! Thank you again so much for helping us find it!!!” Congratulations to Dane on his first recovery and welcome the SRARC. We are very happy to have been able to return the ring to Scott and enjoyed both his and Georgia’s big smiles.