I received a call from Nada this afternoon requesting my service to find her two rings which were lost while she was doing yard work on Monday, however it was not until Tuesday that she realized that her rings where not on her finger. I told her I would be there within one hour.
I met up with Nada at her home where she showed me the area she was working in the back yard. She had been pulling plants out of her flower pots and raised garden and was cleaning the back yard for the winter.
After asking Nada a lot of questions I started checking the flower pots and then couple of bags full of leaves with no luck. I headed to her raised garden plot in the corner of her yard where I found the larger ring. The smaller ring proved much more difficult to find. I searched around the yard for another hour. Nada was realizing that the ring was probably lost elsewhere but I told her not to give up yet. She went in the house to warm up.
I continued searching and headed to another raised bed. There I heard a faint sound in my headphones. The ring was covered in leaves! I called Nada over and told her it was her lucky day as both rings had been found. She was very happy to have them back on her finger.
Thank you Nada in entrusting me to find your rings.