Lost Ring... Newport Beach,CA... Found in Sand

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)

Saturday,  August 10,2013

I was up early just finishing a daily search for a ring lost in the surf last week when I received  a call from Kim. She had lost her ring yesterday. Kim figured she could try to rent a metal detector and find the ring herself.  When she got on line to find out where to rent a metal detector she found The RingFinders website and my phone number.  She called me about 6:00 am. I ask the people call me as soon as possible especially if the item is on the beach.. This time it worked out well. We beat the beach sifting machine again. ( I call it the ring eater )

Here is what happened. Kim  was at Newport Beach friday and she had taken off her ring to put on sun screen lotion. After getting home she realized that she had left the ring on the towel and never put the ring back on her finger. When she called me I  was only 2 miles away from the location where she lost it. She was able to give me very good directions over the phone and I worked a grid search and found the ring within 30 minutes. I sent her a picture and asked her to call me. She was so excited and we met later to give her the ring..

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