Sean Kelly, Author at The Ring Finders

Lost gold ring found with metal detector in Augusta, Maine

  • from Rockport (Maine, United States)

I received a call from Paula who had lost her two tone Black Hills gold ring while doing yard work earlier this summer. The ring was a gift from her husband when his service to our country in the Air Force took him to South Dakota over 40 years ago. I headed to Augusta after work today and was able reunite Paula after a 15 minute search of her lawn.

Lost Diamond and Sapphire ring found with metal detector in Boothbay Harbor, Maine

  • from Rockport (Maine, United States)

I received a call last Friday afternoon from Steve after his wife Kathy dropped her diamond and blue sapphire ring into the water from the Boothbay Harbor foot bridge. The water depth was around 5 feet and rising with the flooding tide, but I was able to recover it despite the challenge of the ring being amongst numerous nails, screws, bottle caps and other metallic items under the bridge.

Gold wedding ring found with metal detector at First Machias Lake in Unorganized Township – 36, Washington County, Maine

  • from Rockport (Maine, United States)

I received a call from Angel who had lost this 14 karat gold wedding band that had belonged to her late mother, while giving her dog a quick rinse in First Machias Lake at the end of her camping trip in unorganized Township – 36 . Normally this would be a 6 hour round trip, but luckily I happened to be spending the weekend at my in-laws camp in Pembroke about an hour and half away although 9 miles of the journey was to be on dirt logging roads. Racing the sunset, I travelled to the campsite and located the ring fairly quickly.

Titanium wedding ring found in Flagstaff Lake Eustis, Maine with metal detector

  • from Rockport (Maine, United States)

I was contacted by Rob after his wedding band slipped off his finger and into Flagstaff Lake in Eustis ME, just a stones throw from the Canadian border. His vacation had ended and he returned home, but made arrangements with the owner of the cabin he rented for me to visit and recover the ring after the next renters departed. I made the 5 1/2 hour round trip and found Rob’s titanium ring in 4 feet of water.


Tungsten wedding band found at Sebago Lake State Park in Casco, ME with underwater metal detector.

  • from Rockport (Maine, United States)

I headed to Sebago Lake State Park in Casco, ME on Tuesday afternoon to search the swim area for a lost tungsten wedding band. Jason had lost his ring in the swim area while he and some friends were tossing a football. An initial attempt was made to locate the ring on Sunday, but the heavy wave action and water depth made searching quite difficult. Fellow Ring Finder Dennis Boothby gave me a call and asked if I could try an underwater search. It took about an hour, but ended with a successful recovery. I was able to deliver the ring to Jason’s wife on my way back home. Always great to work with other Ring Finders to deliver excellent service and locate as many rings as possible for our clients.

Two Diamond Engagement Rings found with metal detector at Pemaquid Beach in Bristol, Maine

  • from Rockport (Maine, United States)

I received a call from Don who explained that his wife Emma had lost two diamond engagement rings in the sand at Pemaquid beach in Bristol, Maine the day before. One of the rings he gave her and the other was one that had  belonged to her Great Grandmother. I met Emma at the beach and she took me to the general area where they had been sitting, after a few minutes of searching I was able to locate both rings and reunite them with her.

Heirloom Gold wedding band lost in Middle Branch Pond in Waterboro, Maine found with metal detector.

  • from Rockport (Maine, United States)

Recovery number 25! Colin and his friend overturned their canoe on Middle Branch Pond in Waterboro, ME. In the process Colin’s wedding ring which had been made and worn by his Grandfather who was a jeweler by trade was lost. Fellow Ringfinder Dennis Boothby had recommended Colin call me when it was determined that the ring was beyond the normal shallow water search range of less than 4 ft and required a diver. It took about a half hour to locate and I was able to recover the ring in about 6 feet of water after doing battle with the heavy vegetation of the lakebed in zero visibility in order to return it to Colin. I plan to double down on the charitable donation from my previous recovery to the KCF&G scholarship fund.

Lost engagement ring found at Pemaquid Beach in Bristol, Maine

  • from Rockport (Maine, United States)

Fellow Ringfinder Dennis Boothby directed Ian and Hannah to me, after she lost her diamond & ruby engagement ring in 3ft of water at Pemaquid Beach in Bristol yesterday afternoon. I headed down after work to search and was successful in recovering the ring. Ian’s aunt had given him this ring to keep for Hannah for when they got engaged. With the big day June 29th approaching rapidly, I was glad to recover it for them. A portion of their generous reward will be directed to the Knox County Fish & Game Association scholarship fund.

Lost Gold Wedding Ring found in Waterville, Maine

  • from Rockport (Maine, United States)

After being referred by fellow Ring Finder Dennis Boothby, who was unavailable, I took a ride up to Waterville this morning to reunite Sidney with his lost wedding band. The ring had been lost at the beginning of the month while clearing grass and brush on his property. Although he had rented a metal detector and tried finding it himself, he was unsuccessful. The search area was large about the size of a football field, but my decision to start at the brush pile proved to be the right choice with a new record for me set, by locating the ring in under a minute from beginning the search. I guess we can both give thanks for a second day in a row, Sidney for having the ring he has worn for 32 years of marriage back on his finger, and I for having picked the right end of that football field to start from. With Christmas coming I will be directing a portion of the generous reward I received toward sponsoring a local child’s Angel Tree wish.


Lost gold wedding band recovered from Thompson Lake in Oxford, ME

  • from Rockport (Maine, United States)

I received a call from Karen after her husband Scott had lost his wedding band in 10 feet of water while swimming laps between the dock and swim float in front of their camp on Thompson Lake in Oxford, ME. Scott had immediately realized he lost his ring and marked the location with a large rock. Using his marker I utilized a spiral search pattern and was able to recover the ring buried in several inches of silt within about 10 minutes of commencing the hunt. The couple will celebrate 27 years of marriage in a few weeks and Scott’s ring is safely back on his finger for that special day and many more to follow.