Barnstable, MA Platinum Wedding Band Lost, Found, and Returned

  • from Cape Cod (Massachusetts, United States)

July 11, 2024

From my home town in Connecticut, Arman was enjoying the Cape Cod’s good beach going weather with a Frisbee in hand, the sandy beach, family and friends when he somehow came to be missing his wedding band. No one moved, all looked very intensely for the lost piece of metal that held 11 years of memories. Not wanting to give up, Arman’s wife Mina, “Googled” for someone to help find the wayward ring. As often happens my name came up in a link with and a text was sent my way.

I was out and enjoying a dinner with my wife and a long time metal detecting friend Eleanor. I did not check my text messages until the next morning. I answered it and was on my to the the beach for another recovery attempt. I spent more time talking with Arman about our home town than it took me to locate his ring.

My first good signal was a coin that I had Arman’s son remove from my scoop and to keep as a treasure from Cape Cod. Later he also was very grateful when I gave him one of my cards for him to keep.

Back to the search, my second good target, which I was sure, was Arman’s ring was about 5 minutes later, just beyond the original suggested area to search. I took a picture then had Arman remove the ring from my scoop which he did with no hesitation, brushed the sand off and replaced it on his finger. More picture, stories, and old and current information about our home town was a welcome change from metal detecting stories although a few bits were part of our conversation. It all ended with a great feeling for the Cape and desire to return next year with smiles that will last through the coming year.


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