Lost Wedding Ring Found...Iowa City, Iowa


On Thursday I got a call from a guy who lost his gold wedding band . He thought he lost it either while washing the dog in the front of his house or when he was playing baseball with his son in the backyard.

This was over a year ago, he thought May of last year. So I got my things together after work on Thursday and searched for it. I gridded out an area in his front yard where he washed the dog. Two hours later no ring.

So I went back today and gridded part of his backyard where he was playing ball with his son. An hour and a half and still no ring. I was beginning to wonder if it was in his yard. I stayed with my grid some more and got a decent 12-21 signal on the CTX. I knew it could be it but I was getting many pieces of aluminum siding and gutter that were hitting in this range also.

But it was the ring! Yahoo! Isn’t it a great feeling when you pull something like that out of the ground. His young son was out watching me work, so I washed it off and gave it to him and told him to take it to his Dad.

They all were very happy and couldn’t believe I found it. Never give up on your grid search. HH

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