Ring lost at Mission Bay found

  • from La Jolla (California, United States)

Sydney along with her family and friends were visiting here in town. They were having a beach party on Mission Bay to celebrate a friend’s upcoming wedding. Sydney went out into the bay, and when she returned to the sand, shook the water off her hands, and discovered in horror that her engagement ring was also flung off her finger and into the dry sand. Everyone tried to help « finger rake » through the sand to recover the ring, but, no luck. A friend of their’s found TheRingFinders.com and my contact info. I dropped what I was doing, gathered my gear and my wife and headed down to the bay to help. After finding parking a bit away, we walked to the bay boardwalk and beach. Looking down the beach, we could see a white canopy and many people gathered. That looks like the place and it was confirmed after a short text to Sydney. After introductions and the story on how and where the ring was lost, I started my grid of about a 15′ X 15′ box they scraped into the sand and felt was the likely search area. I started at one edge and on the first pass came up with 3 crusty zinc cents, return pass produced just a token and then on the third pass, the sound I was waiting for, a nice engagement ring in the scoop. Cheers all around and a nice hug for me!  A pleasure to meet you all and thank you for the reward.

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One Reply to “Ring lost at Mission Bay found”

  1. Sydney dit :

    Thank you Mark for being immediately accessible to help find my lost ring! Mark was able to find the ring shortly after arriving at the beach. He was kind and professional — would absolutely recommend Mark and The Ring Finders to anyone! 🙂

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