Lost Man's Wedding Ring FOUND! in Spokane valley Wa

  • from Spokane (Washington, United States)

After starting my work for the day I got a call from Judd. His wedding ring had gone missing. On the day that Judd was turning 50 he woke up sick. So because he had to attend his own birthday he went outside to do a little work out. After hearing this I knew the ring was in his yard and I could find it fast. So I got done done with my work and headed to Judd’s house. He told me that he started his work out on the hanging rings. Before he started the hanging, he took off his wedding band and placed it in his pocket. Like all deeds that are done to keep the ring safe this act made Judd lose his ring. I knew that if his wedding band fell off by his hanging rings where the grass was thin,Judd would have spotted it. So we moved to the spot where he stretched. I started searching there. And there is where I found his ring. Judd’s ring was just one pass over from where he did a back arch. The ring was hiding under a tuff of grass. Judd had been wearing that ring for 21 years and almost gave up on finding it.

14k keltic knot ring

Judd and his ring

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One Reply to “Lost Man’s Wedding Ring FOUND! in Spokane valley Wa”

  1. Judd R Lawson dit :

    Awesome job Luke. Thank you so much!

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