I received an email in January 2023 about a lost gold man’s wedding ring that was lost on his property in November 2021. He was simply playing with his dog and bouncing a tennis ball off the driveway and the next moment the ring flew off into the weeds. He search and search with no luck. Since living in Ohio and having cold weather in January, we opted to wait until warmer weather to perform a good thorough search. I started the search on one side of the driveway, searching through the leaves, sticks, ivy vine, and small plants with no luck with all awhile getting many hits of normal household yard trash. I continued to the other side of the driveway searching and searching. Then got a hit, I pulled back the leaves, ivy vines and there was the ring. He was very happy to have the ring returned to him after 22 months of being gone.

Lost Gold Man’s Wedding Ring in Pataskala, OH. “FOUND”

Lost Gold Man’s Wedding Ring in Pataskala, OH. “FOUND”

Lost Gold Man’s Wedding Ring in Pataskala, OH. “FOUND”
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