This ring find began yesterday evening as I was heading home from Ko Olina. I got a call from Kenny on vacation from San Francisco and was translating for Danny & Sunny who were on their honeymoon from Paju, South Korea. Danny while tranferring his ring for safe keeping to a beach pouch his Gold & Diamonds Bvlgari Wedding Band fell into the water and disappeared at Royal Hawaiian Beach in Waikiki. Traffic was horrible and I couldn’t get there before sunset. It was actually dark when I arrived. Then I found out the ring was actually in the water aways not on the shoreline. Tide was up and the shore was getting pounded. I found a great target on the Manticore but I couldn’t pull it out from between two chunks of coral. I decided and had Kenny translate to Danny & Sunny that I would return Saturday afternoon low tide for better conditions. When I arrived all three were already waiting on the beach. A fellow detectorist was also there out in the deeper water and he turned out to be friend who would hunt later if I was unsuccessful. After a few grid lines I found the target from the night before in between the coral chunks. This time I was able to approach from a different angle and after probably 6 or 7 scoops I had the target in the scoop with so many coral rubble pieces. I started carefully removing the coral and there in the glistening sun Danny’s awesome ring appeared. I yelled towards where they were sitting on the beach, « Got It! » Danny and Sunny ran down to the water’s edge and I let Danny remove his ring from the scoop. He was over joyed and started crying. All the nearby tourists started clapping and saying congratulations. It was quite the seen. Thank God Kenny was there to help translate all the necessary info for a successfull hunt. Aloha to Danny & Sunny! A special Aloha to Kenny who hung around to make sure these newlyweds had a happy ending.
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