Lost Gold, Diamonds & Sapphires Wedding Band at Royal Hawaiian Beach Waikiki...FOUND!!!

  • from O‘ahu (Hawaii, United States)

This ring find began when I got a voicemail from Michael who was back home on the mainland wanting to know if I could detect his wife Erin’s Gold, Diamonds & Sapphires Wedding Ring in the dry sand at Royal Hawaiian Beach.  I was heading to lunch and he gave me Erin’s number to coordinate the search time.  We agreed I would be there around 2PM and Erin would meet me on the beach to show me the area.  My daughter Jodi hooked me up by dropping me off at the Royal Hawaiian Beach Access which brought me to the exact spot Erin was waiting.  Erin showed me where she was digging and it was about a 10 by 15 foot square.  I fired up the « Manticore » did a noise cancel then started the hunt.  First trip around the box no targets.  Second trip solid #3 on the Beast and in one scoop there was Erin’s gorgeous ring in the scoop.  Several tourists on the beach started clapping and congratulating us.  Erin was flying home in about 5 hours so that recovery was a major load off her mind.  Aloha to Erin & Michael!

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One Reply to “Lost Gold, Diamonds & Sapphires Wedding Band at Royal Hawaiian Beach Waikiki…FOUND!!!”

  1. Erin Hanley Roy dit :

    Mahalo Joe!! We can’t thank you enough for your kind and wonderful help yesterday!! You were so easy to communicate with and provided prompt and amazing service!
    One of the flight attendants on my plane ride home witnessed the whole thing and had to know the whole story, soon half the plane knew! Now they all know to call Joe if they lose any valuables in Oahu!

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